Chapter 5: Schizophrenia

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Marco smiles, "C'mon Star I'm not gonna let you isolate yourself it's not healthy."
"Okay but I touched glass today and it shattered. Just like that." I snap to show the speed of my impending doom.
Marco, who clearly thought that it was because of my longing to be a Jet from Westside Story, shrugged it off and left my room.
I grit my teeth in anger, wanting to break something but too scared to touch anything. Huffing and growling, I march over to my bag and rip it open (figuratively) and yank out my MacBook.
"Okay Google." I mutter as I open it. "What is schizophrenia." Hitting enter, my eyes skim over the definition:

a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

Okay. Whatever that means. Sounds like what happening to me. I guess.
God earth was so complicated. On Mewni you either had the measles or you didn't. Two options. Thankfully I'd never had the measles. I did have a weasel when I was seven. Cute little bugger, but I digress.
Anyways, schizophrenia. Well I need a doctor to diagnosis me but I mean Marco counts, right? Right anyways symptoms. Mood changes? I guess. I mean I feel way more lovey than before. Normally, I wouldn't stare at Marco or day dream about our wedding but just as we got home before my heart filled with warmth and I just wanted to like kiss him. Is that what a crush is like cause it wasn't with Tom at all.
Lack of restraint? Hostility? Repetitive motions? Possessiveness? Nah. I don't know what Marco was talking about.
Delusions? Um yeah. Thought disorder? Seeing how I went from a terminal illness to a rodent yeah I guess. Thinking I'm special or superior? Bitch I'm a royal magical princess so hell yeah I am. Thoughts aren't mine? You couldn't pay someone to be as brainless as I am so nope.
I think Marco was wrong.
Angry? Anxious? Paranoid? Loss of interest? Nope. Lift in mood? I'm always a bubbly delight so yes.
Hallucinations? Yeah. Paranoia? No. Why, who's asking? Hearing things? Besides my brain telling me how pointless this is? Am I tired? Tired of reading this.
I push out my desk chair and let out a long sigh. Of course this wouldn't have a simple solution. When has anything ever had a simple solution? My entire life is a big sticky web that you can't seem to shake off. Eh spiders... Gross.
I lean back in my chair and I feel myself fall into a cloud. I smile as the sun lays a blanket of warmth on me. As I breath deeply. I roll onto by side and feel sleep overtake me.
"Excuse me?" A soft voice whispers as someone pokes my arm. I wake up refreshed to see a short, pale girl with wild black hair and rosy cheeks smiling at me, a nearly, tooth-full grin.
"Hi." I smile as I sit up. I'm in my room in Mewni and the silk sheets slide off my arm. I look to see crystals and paintings strewn across my walls, my door across from the foot of my bed.
The little girl giggles. "My mommy wants to speak to you."
"Okay!" I say happily. I slide out of beg and skip besides the little girl. We exit my room and walk down a long, thin hallways that usually isn't here but whatever. I look as we pass portrait after portrait, kings on the left, queens on the right. They were very out of order.
"What's there?" I go to open one of the many many many many doors and the kid grab any hand.
"My mommy wants to see you right now." She reiterates, softly.
"But I wanna know what's in here." I respond as I grab the door handle.
"No." The girl says with a deeper voice. "You aren't ready yet. We go to my mommy now."
I pull my face into a deep grown as I'm pulled away from the door. I wanted to go through that door. It was a nice door. It was a special door.
Stupid child.
"She's in here." The kid reaches for the door nob.
"Sure yeah you can open doors but I can't." I kick the marble floor.
Through this door was a lounge room, filled with two plush, leather chairs and a soothing fireplace. The carpet was red, the walls were mahogany wood and seemed to be strewn with flecks of gold coursing through it. The fire place was stone and the actual flames casted a orange glow on the whole room. I look around to see lots of books, or actually one book, over and over again in every shelf. My spell book. Up and over the loft that hung over the door, the book was on the shelves that lined the walls. I saw maps on tables and approached the fireplace. It was warm. It was intriguing. It was magical.
I glance up to see a warnicorn's head mounted on the wall above and quickly I flip around.
"Oh." I said, noticing a woman in a chair. She lowers her newspaper to reveal a porcelain face with rosy cheeks, just like her daughter. She has straight black hair and purple eyes that danced in the light. Her lips her pursed with red lipstick and her dress was a deep chartreuse that went in at her sides but puffed around her shoulders. It landed right after her knees where a pair of deep black, low cut boots were.
"Hello deary." She says with a calm, entrancing voice.
"Hi." I chirp with a grand smile. "I'm Star."
"Nice to finally meet you Star. I'm Eclipsa." She extends a hand and I grab it without thought. Suddenly, her calm face grows into a devious smile as blackness traces from her sleeve to my hand. It pierced it

And my eyes pop open.
I have my hand wrapped around some girl with long lavender hair and a black sweater over galaxy pants. I glance around to see Marco, Jackie and Janna all in the kitchen helping place the food. Some other boy is shifting through movies. I'm in the living room.
"What the-?" I turn my attention back to the girl who peels her hand out of mine with a laugh.
"Nice to finally meet you Star." She says with a wink. "I'm Kai."
My mouth goes dry.


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