Chapter 10: Arachnophobia

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I was more than okay. Hell, I was fan-freaking-tastic! There was something that just fell over me and I felt alive, invigorated, a bit hungry but that's besides the point. I was overflowing with energy, bouncing on the balls of my feet.
"That was..." I crunch into a laugh. "Awesome."
Eclipsa smirks. "I bet it was."
"God... What else can you teach me!?"
"You want to know more?"
"Hell yeah!" I laugh more, my vocal cords shaking with the energy. "What about that de-love spell... Ans Saxtier?"
"You want to try it out?"
"Yeah sure totally!"
"Or another spell?"
"Ooooh yeah hit me with your best shot!"
The lyrical reference soared right over her grey, poofy hair and down into the endless abyss behind her.
Anyways she twist her umbrella and a realistic scene of Marco and Jackie holding hands appears. She steps away just as I scream the spell and a black beam shoots out and smacks Marco right away from her. Then I repeat that Greek whatever spell and Jackie vaporizes again.
I laugh. "Okay okay okay now are there any other spells you can teach me?"
Eclipsa's face rests into a content smile. She nods.
My smile grows.
Now, this is the part in time somebody would've smacked me over the head. Maybe even yell at me. I'm doing dark magic. No matter how you say it, it sounds evil. And things that sound evil are always evil. Besides garlic. I dunno it sounds sorta evil but tastes so good.
"What sort of spells were you thinking, sweet pea?" Eclipsa twirls her parasol.
"Uhhhhh..." I stick my tongue out and make a noise as I swing my arms, clapping them in front and behind myself.
"Oh I know!" Eclipsa exclaims as she sticks one finger next to her face. "Do you like spiders?"
"I. LOVE. Spiders!"
"Oh." She purses her lips and begins to turn. "Well never mind."
"Huh why?" I round her, trying to catch her gaze.
"Spiders are the devils creatures. I know a spell that will exterminate them. But I see you've inherited your great great great grandma's confidence."
I count on my fingers. "That would be... Solaria?"
"Yes. Her knowledge occupies the majority of the battle spells within your spell book."
I pull on my collar. "Ha ha yeah. If only I had that I could look."
She narrows her eyes, then bounces her shoulders. "Ah well, I always thought it was a stuffy, disorganized book with too many pointless spells."
"Yeah." I suddenly saw my breath in front of my face. I look up at her but she didn't seem to waver.
"How about a stopping time spell?"
"Tried that. Nearly killed Father Time. Then we gave him hamsters and mud so..."
"Ah but what if you could stop time for only one person?"
"So like... the opposite of what Easy Peasy Time Freezy?"
"God the names are so stupid." She places her head on her hand. "The correct version of that is Ans Haulretiv."
"Ans Haulretiv?" I say.
"Fairly simple. No motions. Just aim."
"Weird that we went from spiders to this oddly specific spell?" I narrow my eyes at her but she just smiles. Her eyes glowing a low purple that shadowed onto her face. Her lips were grey, sealed tight. My heart began to waver, the feeling of omnipotence the magic once surrounded me in had faded and now I was just left with this pit in my stomach. My head settled on the idea on what we were doing was wrong.
"Do you want to practice that spell?"
The idea clicked. My brain returned to the euphoria it was before and before I can think, my mouth says "yes" and she twirls her umbrella to reveal an angry dog.
"Go ahead." She coos.
And hold out my wand.


My ankle was either broken or sprained. Didn't matter. I still hadn't found Star.
I pick up yet another rock and chuck it at the window. I felt like a freaking Disney character but I continue. It taps loudly each time, but it doesn't wake her up. I try her phone again. Nada. I continue to throw my rocks. It was getting close to five am. I should sleep. No, I need to find Star.
Suddenly the window opens to a fluffy, bed headed Janna with a face you'd see before she kills you.
"It's five fucking am so this better be good, Diaz." She snaps.
"Have you seen Star?" I shout up.
She nots her eyebrows. "No you fucking video buffer. Why? What she'd do?"
"She's missing!"
"Why is that any of your business?"
"Cause she's my friend you... you stringy stuff inside a banana!"
"Come back in the pm with better insults." She shuts her window and I shout aggressively at the sky.
"STAR WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" I begin to walk down the street. I feel tears in my eyes. No don't feel sad. Don't feel guilty.
Don't feel. I can't feel anything or everything will come rushing back and I can't do that. Not now. Star needs my help.
My pace picks up as my vision blurs and my ears feel fiery hot. My teeth clench until I look up at the rising sun and let out the biggest yell ever. It burns my throat and forces my reared eyes to shut and my knees to waver. My heart's in my ears and my stomachs all wrapped up around my shins.
I open my eyes, expecting, praying, Star would be there. But no, she wasn't. She was gone, probably forever and it was all my fault.
I begin my lopsided walk home and clench my scarred fist, trying my best to get rid of all my emotions again.


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