Chapter 17: Loophole

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I had cut a portal to Mewni without even thinking about what that would mean. To put it plainly, even though my hair was messy and my eyes were brown and I was wearing a red sweatshirt, the guards still thought I was Toffee. And who blames them, last time they saw this face I'm sure I was killing someone.
So I walk silently, hand cuffed, with two heavily armed and heavily armored guards; Who, while they walk, sounded like the sound a toaster would make if you dropped it down a flight of stairs.
The doors are forced open as I'm pushed in. I try to get my feet to catch myself but i fall flat on my back. Peering over my hairline, I see Moon in the middle of signing some document and wide eyeing me. I stare back.
"Moon we found him walking up to the castle." One guard reports as he lifts a spear, ready to kill me. "Should we kill him!?"
"No." Moon puts her head in her hands. "No, Reginald. If that was Toffee, which it isn't, he would have killed you by now." I look at Reginald, who lowers his spear while the other guard chuckles. "No just leave him with me."
Moon puts the papers down and stunts over to me. She wore a big crown and big dress and huge bags under her eyes. She was frazzled, but her hair was still perfect.
"I thought we said it was best if you didn't come back here, Marco."
My spine shook when she spoke. Toffee was gone, Moon was scary again. "Sorry." I get up and she magically undoes my cuffs. "I wouldn't have come if it wasn't important."
"I figured that much." She scans me and I grab my arm with my hand with the scar. "How are you doing?"
"Fine, but I didn't come here for me."
"No." I sigh. "Star."
"Star?" Moon seems amused. "What did she do this time?"
"Nothing." I hug myself. "She's just... unwell."
"How so?"
Just say it. Just say it. You have to tell her just say it. "She's dying."
"Dying." I repeat, trying not to cry. "Star is dying."
Moon is stuck in time, her eyes moving slightly as her breathing slows. "Why?"
"Eclipsa. She got into Star's head, used my life - I mean Toffee's life - to bring herself back and now Star's just... dying."
"By the Queens of Old." Moon puts her hand to her mouth. "Star said that she was feeling better that the spell didn't effect her but-"
"What spell?"
Moon's eyes were tearful but also regretful. She finally exhales and admits, "The spell to get inside your head and save you from Toffee."
This was all my fault.
This was all my fault!?
My chest began to hurt, my heart being crushed between my lungs as they filled with nothingness, all the air was gone.
"Marco she didn't want you to know-"
"Bring her back."
"You heard me." I snap. "Bring. Her. Back. Right now!"
"Marco it's not that simple necromancy is Natural Magic and it needs a balance."
"Then kill me."
I was crying in front of a queen. "Kill me and bring her back instead."
"Star would never allow you to do that and besides-"
"I don't give a shit! Fucking kill me and bring her back!"
"Calm down."
Everything hurt. My eyes were welling up and my chest was burning and I couldn't breathe. "Just do it."
"Even if I wanted to I can't." She flips around. "You're not from this place, Marco. Not this dimension. I need someone from Mewni someone..." her voice trails off.
"What?" I ask.
"Someone like me." She mutters.
"No!" I yell. "No no no no Star cannot lose you!"
"But she can lose you!?"
"No she can't lose either of us!" I'm screaming. "And besides she isn't ready to be queen!" And I'm not ready to lose her.
"Marco it's the only way."
My eyes drop to the floor. Star would rather die than loose her mom. And even so, she wasn't ready to be queen. She still has a lot of good to do but not as queen, not yet.
An idea strikes me in the back of the head.
"What If Star was human?"
Moon eyes me. "What?"
"Get rid of her magic, her wings, her hearts and then she's practically a human, right?"
"Not in the grand scheme of things no!"
"But she's on Earth." I nod my head. "And if she stays on Earth and doesn't remember being a Mewman she'll just be a human."
"If that happens then Mewni will be left without a leader! The Butterfly name will end!"
"Oh c'mon tell me you care more about the crown than you do you're own daughter!?"
"I do care for her more but... making her human would still require a sacrifice- Marco Diaz I am not killing you!" She shoots daggers at me, ready to do anything she needed to besides kill me.
"So we could trade Star's life for a humans if Star is made human." I nod to myself and then turn to Moon. "How recent does the death need to be?"


I was almost completely gone. Just a bit of my soul was left, a small sliver filled with moonlight and childhood. The innocence uncorrupted by Eclipsa. I guess she didn't actually want me to go through what she did. Watching your son and husband being murdered because of you is enough to corrupt anyone. Enough to make them take their own life and enough for someone to want revenge. I wanted revenge on Jackie for taking Marco away from me, my old life. I wanted her to pay for what she did to me. But she didn't do it to me, she just did it. She wanted Marco and she got him. And then I took her away from him. And then I took him away from the world.
I curl up, ready for death.
But suddenly, a light appeared. I narrow my eyes at it until it grows brighter and brighter no - closer and closer.
And then it stuck to me.
It latched onto my piece of soul and grew it. Then another then another and then I was half whole. And then whole clumps of them sores through the blackness and come at me, putting me back together.
"Wait no!" I yell as I become almost hole, "I deserve to die! I deserve to die! I've killed I'm a terrible person just let me die!"
But it doesn't stop. Soon I'm glowing and right before I become completely whole, I realize the purple magic in the room is gone. My magic is gone.
What is happening?
But then, complete blackness.

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