Chapter 12: Eyes

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I see a burned corpse staring at me. The flesh is still boiling, the eyes hollow. Her hair is all burned off and her eyes are scorched black, her lips curled into a mouth gurgling blood like a boiling bowl of soup. The world seemed to be eerily still.
"J-Jackie?" I mumble. I was hoping-preying-that this was a siren trick. Was she just tricking me? Was this all a hallucination?
Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I turn around. "We need to talk."
Eclipsa stood in front of the golden fireplace, embers the only light coming from it, the fire'd been doused. Her eyes casted a pink glow across her fare cheeks, her lips pursed into a smile.
"What about?" She finally coos.
"You lied to me." I say firmly. "You made it look like the spell just made her disappear but she-" my throat sticks together. I kept seeing her with skin like leather, the police outline ash and her hollowed eyes. The blood pouring from her eyes and ears and mouth and-
I felt sick. I felt tired. I felt withdrawal.
"You aren't too smart are you." She paces to a table and pours some tea from a navy kettle with an eye on it. "The spell I taught you definitely looks like that when it's done on a siren."
"Then why didn't it work on Jackie?" I demand. She slurps some tea and sits in her favorite chair. We stare at each other, my mind churning with ideas.
But one pushed forward.
"Marco!" I breathe and I turn back around to find myself in front of the Diaz residence. The sun casted a golden haze on everything yet it all felt dark. Everything had lost its edge, it was now coated in an everlasting blur. Sounds were faint but my heart pursued. Marco was probably broken, a fragment of a human in there. The siren's hold was strong but she's dead now. He's probably gonna ambush me as soon as I enter the house so I gotta be ready. And remember Star: it's not Marco.
I open the door to find more silence. The sun casted a ray through the sunroof, letting specs of dusts fly through the air calmly, noticeably. As I peer around, everything is very mundane. Pots are left in the sink, a pillow on the couch is askew and slouched and coats hung on the rack by the front door. Everything was calm and normal, evidence of a happy life existing all around me.
I swallow hard and continue my journey up the steps, feeling how they sink under my feet as the wood snaps together. I make it to the top to find Marco's just ajar enough so the knob is left inept. My hand brushes the cerated wood and the door is opened without a squeak. A lump rises from his bed and my hand attaches to my wand. I can feel the sweat on my neck grow cooler as if a draft has appeared. My hands were clammy, my teeth were clenched but my mind was still.
I have to save Marco.
"Star?" A groggy voice cuts through the deafening silence. "Is that you?"
"Y-Yes." I sat as confidently as I can.
He jumps out of his bed in a flurry, happy to see me. But, when he reaches the doorway, my wand is suddenly aimed at his heart. His shaking hands rest on the door frame as he leans towards me. He looks down at the wand that's pressed tight to right between his ribs.
"S-Star-" he breathes as he stares into my eyes. "What are you doing?"
"I know you're upset." I swallow the lump that'd been climbing in my throat. "But it wasn't my fault."
His face flinches and he looks down at my wand. "I don't know what you're talking about. Please just lower your wand and talk to me."
"No you're gonna kill me."
He blinks and clenches his teeth, staying impossibly calm. "Star I promise I'm not-" he grips the frame tighter. "Please put down the wand. I'm not going to do anything I just want to talk."
I couldn't hear my heart. My breathing remained steady. My hand was stiff. I wasn't scared or nervous or anxious. I tried to make myself nervous or at least scared cause I was going to hurt my friend! What's wrong with me!?
I jerk my hand down and fall onto a knee, starting to breath like I'd been deep underwater and was trying to get away from some sharks.
"Marco I'm-" I stop when my eyes see him. A hole had burned through his shirt and his skin had a star carved into the center, blood beginning to swell and drip and intertwine itself with the fabric of his shirt. His face was red hot and he controlled his breathing. My eyes drift to my wand to see the star had blood outlining it.
"Oh my gosh Marco I'm so sorry I didn't-"
"You need to tell me what happened." He pulls the sweat from his forehead into his hair to pull it from his face. For the first time since the incident I could see his face clearly. He looked normal besides his eyes. The shadow from his hair hid this but around his eyes were small scabs and cuts from him picking at them.  They were dull, even though he was clearly invested in the topic at hand. I could see something was missing, an innocence - a complexity - that he had before. He didn't break eye contact with me.
It was like he wanted to save my eyes, like he wanted to keep them blue.
Tears welled up in his broken eyes but he remained almost desensitized by the situation and I couldn't keep myself from running into his arms. I reached under his arms and wrapped my arms around his back and held him tight and he did the same thing to me.
"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm sorry..." I kept repeating as me tears bell down his shoulder.
"It's okay." He reaches his hands down and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold tight, my head still on his shoulder. His footsteps remain calm as he carries me from his room a few doors over back to mine. He nudges it open and brings me to my bed.
And I swear if that isn't the most romantic shit ever, then I don't know what is.
I fall onto my bed and the mattress and all I wanted him to do is climb next to me and start to kiss me and god now I feel all flustered and stupid.
I sit up and stare at him in the darkness. His eyes caught the light and I began to fall more in love with him. He was just so perfect. His eyes caught the light and were lit with setting sun, making them tint a gold. I wonder if Eclipsa could teach me a love spell.
Eclipsa. Jackie. Oh my god I killed Jackie!
"It's all my fault." I see his hand hit my knee as he kneels down across from me and stares into my eyes. My hand reaches towards my mouth. "Oh my god I killed Jackie."


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