Chapter 13: Stop

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I killed Jackie.
The words still hang in the air, untouched. Marco stares at me and I stare back. Dust floats around in the gold hour light and my mirror reflects the pale pink light around. It's a long, lonely minute in a half before the silence is broken.
"Why?" He says calmly. I don't stop staring at him. How is he so calm? Is this how a siren spell normally breaks?
"Because she was a siren." I relay slowly and cautiously. "She had a hold over you."
He stares back harder, his eyebrows knitting. "She was a siren?"
I nod slowly and watch as the idea churns behinds his eyes.
His face relaxes. "No, Star, she wasn't."
"Yes she was!" I challenge and I watch as he puts his hand over his face. The scarred hand. I hear a long exhale leave his lips and he looks at me.
"No. She wasn't." He says firmly.
"Well of course you wouldn't know you were under her control!" I grit my teeth and lean towards him.
He looks like he's about to break. But then he touches the burn on his chest and then looks back at me, his eyes focused but still dead inside. "Who said?"
"What?" I was taken aback by his questions. He was so calm so smart so precise.
It was terrifying.
"Who?" He echos, his eyes narrowing and his focus intensifying. I can feel every hair on my body stick up and my breath escapes my mouth.
My heart skipped a bit. "E-Eclipsa an old queen of mewni... wait how did you know there was someone!?"
"I figured you wouldn't just go around smiting people unless you were super sure." He shrugs a little, a smug smile disappears as soon as it appears and I watch as his golden skin fades to more of an amber as the sun set behind us. "Anyways who's Eclipsa? A queen?"
I look down at my wand. My broken wand that had a long shadow that cut across my bed and onto the floor and up the wall a little. The sun was just over my balcony and I stare at the long, skinny shadow it maps out of my silhouette and places onto the wall. Marco's his tall but mine looks deformed, it's off, it's not proportional. My hair makes my head look big on a skinny neck and my waste was pinched and the bed made it look like it flowed out like a dress.
"Eclipsa was the queen of darkness." I sigh as I stare at my shadow more. I looked like her and my stomach churned with the thoughts. "I used a spell to-" I stop myself. He can't know the truth. "Over the summer. I used one of hers over the summer and it had... consequences..."
"You used a spell of an evil queen?" Marco dryly snaps.
I stand up and watch as the shadow disappears. "Yeah okay but it was really important." I hug myself. "She was charged of treason and she was thrown into a tower for the rest of her life. She was extremely powerful and I needed one of her spells." I prepare for him to scream at me, scold me, he used to always doing that. He also would come back with how stupid I was and I know I was so stupid and I deserve it.
"We're calling your mom." Is all he says.
"What?" I manage to say. I watch as he rubs the scar on his hand, calming himself.
"We need to call you mom. She'll know what to do." He turns on his heels and approaches my mirror.
"WAIT!" I run and appear in front of him. Our eyes catch and he looks down at me.
"What?" He snaps, only a bit emotionally charged. His eyes were sharp, maybe a little glowy but that's probably just my fear.
"Y-you can't!" I feel my lie growing behind me, threatening to break free. If he calls my mom's he'll know the truth. He can't know the truth.
"Yes I can." I reaches out his hand to push by me. I grab it, twist it around and slam my foot into his rib cage. He screams and I let go, hands to my mouth. I watch as he flips himself over and holds his shoulder, trying not to yell in pain.
I dance on my feet a little, nerves wrapping around my body. "I'm sorry but you can't."
"Gah!" He exhales and pushes himself with his good arm. I watch as he rolls his shoulder and my ears hear the crackling sound it makes. I think I broke something. "Why can't you?"
"Because she-" ah crap I need a lie. "She won't understand!"
"I don't care if she understands she knows a lot about magic. We need to call her."
He begins to walk towards me and without thinking and scream "No!" And step back in front of him.
"Why are you so against this!?" He snaps, anger beginning to rise in him.
"Why are you so for it!?"
"I asked you first!"
"I asked you second."
"Fine because I think it'll help you to talk to someone who actually know what they're talking about!"
"Right but you don't know anything!"
"You're right I don't!"
"Marco something similar happens to you before this summer and you didn't notice the signs!? God you're such a fucking moron!"
I think I crossed a line.
His eyes fade from blank to full of emotion. They were full of rage and his hand twitched. Finally, he screams, "Star you need this to stop!"
I don't need to reason with him I just need to use magic. I needed to remember that spell, I could just stop time on him and figure this out.
"Okay." I say calmly as I slowly walk and look for my wand. It's probably somewhere on the bed. "I'll tell you why you can't tell my mom."
He holds his head and makes eye contact with me. "Okay."
"It's because I lied to her."
"How so?" He questions, still suspicious. I continue to circle around the bed and look for any sign of my wand. Maybe if I focus I can just call it to my hand.
"I told her that I'd feel better if I came to earth. That Eclipsa would go away."
"She knows?"
"Yes she does. And I told her it was working. I lied Marco, I totally lied!"
"Why?" His questions were so precise so infuriatingly perfect it hurt.
"I wanted to be with you."
"What?" I could see his face go red. "I thought that confection was everything you needed I mean you left right after-"
"Every moment I was in Mewni all I wanted to do was be back here with you. It was always on my mind because Marco Diaz I-" The sun glistens off of something. Gotcha.
For once, he's silent.
"I LOVE YOU!" My heart swells as I run past him and dive onto the bed, my fingers wrapping around the cool purple metal.
That confession had stuck him for a few seconds, I could tell. His feet had traction only when my hand had wrapped around my wand.
He just made it to the mirror and began to stutter through "Mirrormirroronthew-allcallque-"
"ANS HALRETIV!" I scream and a purple and black ray spits towards him, spinning as it digs into his back and begins to tunnel its way to his heart.
My head feels fuzzy and a good feeling creeps through me. I stare as the smoke clears and there Marco stands, frozen in time and my heart slows, my breath calms.
But then he falls over, his eyes staring right through me.



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