Chapter 16 - Cassie

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to SipraStewart for her votes, comments and encouragement. It's an incredible feeling to know my work is liked :)

"Where are you all dressed up to go?"

Cassie turned sharply, almost spilling the pack of cornflakes she had just grabbed. The harsh tone of her mother's voice jarred her.

"Ryan's dad was murdered, mom. You read about it in the news, right? Some crazy woman shot him dead. It's his funeral today."

Her mother looked at her coldly. "Possibly, he deserved it."

Cassie stared, shocked by her mother's reaction.

Beverly Marsh was an easy going woman. She was strict with her daughter at times, but as a single mother she handled all her responsibilities capably and calmly, sense of humour in place. She wasn't just a mother figure but Cassie's closest friend.

Cassie heard her mother going nuclear on people at times but this cold, harsh tone was new to her.

"Are you feeling okay, mom?" She asked, hesitantly.

Beverly crossed her arms and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Did Ryan find his English book the other night?"

For a second, Cassie was confused. Then she remembered Ryan had mentioned forgetting a book in her bag.

She tried not to avert her gaze, hating to have to lie to her mother. "Yes, he did." She said as confidently as she could.

Beverly moved so fast that Cassie didn't even register the slap until the stinging pain spread through her cheek.

Her mother's usually calm face was contorted into a snarl. "You lying slut!" She hissed at her daughter.

Cassie gasped silently, her mind refusing to understand what just happened.

"What were you doing with him in your room that night?" Beverly screamed at her daughter.

"I... nothing... mom... we were... we were just talking." Cassie stammered.

Her mother's wrath set off a sense of panic in her.

What was happening?

This wasn't her mother!

Her mother would never speak to her like this!

Her mother would never hurl baseless accusations at her or anyone else!

And what could she possibly be doing with Ryan in her room? She just had a school girl crush on him which he didn't even know about!

Beverly viciously slapped away the pack of cornflakes from Cassie's hand. It spilled all over the kitchen floor.

Cassie stared at the mess, aghast.

Her mother hated a mess. She was almost OCD about things being in their place.

"Math book!" She screamed.

Cassie frowned, again confused with what her mother was saying.

"He said he had forgotten his math book in your bag, you bitch!" Her mother screamed.

Sudden understanding flooded in Cassie. Yes, of course that whole book thing was a lie. But she couldn't possibly tell her mother about Ryan's warning. That just sounded so stupid. And her mother would unnecessarily worry.

But she hadn't done anything inappropriate with Ryan. Why would her mother think so?

Cassie took a deep breath. May be she should just tell her mother why Ryan was here, even if it sounded ridiculous.

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