"I'M WHAT?!"

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Yeri's Pov

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Yeri's Pov..

Three weeks have passed and I don't know what happen to Jungkook these days. He always throws up in the morning.

"Eomma, breakfast is ready!" Hana shouts from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I shouts back.

The girls and I are waiting for Jungkook to come out of the bathroom.. Oh well, throwing up again. We told him to go to the hospital yesterday but he refused. He's scared of the hospital. What kind of man is he?

"Is Appa throwing up again?" Min asked with a mouth full of rice.

"I think he is.." I said with a sigh.

"It scared me.. Did he have a disease?" Hana asked, worriedly.

"Me too.." Min said again.

"But you can still eat when Appa is throwing up.." Hana said, rolling her eyes..

"And what? It doesn't mean that I don't care.." Min argued back.

Oh my god, these girls!

"Girls! Stop it okay? There's nothing to argue about.." I said.

"Why don't you tell her? She's the one who started it!" Min glared at Hana.

"Stop it.. I'm okay!" Jungkook said and finally joined us to the table.

"Why don't we go to the hospital?" I asked.

"That's right appa!" Min followed.

"NO.." Jungkook still decided to be hardheaded.

"Jungkook! Don't be childish.. This is for you.. What if you have a disease?" I asked trying my best to convince him.

"But I'm really okay.." He argued.

"No! You throwing up every morning is not okay!" I argued back.

"I said I am okay! Don't worry." He started to dig in.

Then out of nowhere, he suddenly had the urge to vomit again.

"What happen appa?"

"Appa, are you okay?"

"Oh no.. Don't tell me you're going to throw up again." I said with full of concern.

Just as I thought, he quickly ran towards the bathroom and I think he's throwing up again.

"Girls, I'm going to the hospital with your dad today.. Don't let strangers in." I said.

"But Appa is scared of hospital and he'll not like it." Hana said.

"Whether he likes it or not, I'm going to take him to a doctor and this is final." I said.

"It's not going to be easy Eomma.." Min added.

After we finished eating, I check up on Jungkook and he was sleeping on the bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Not really.. I'm tired." He mumbled.

"Let's go to the hospital." I said.

"No, I am okay.." He said again.

"No, you're not! Jungkook please, let's go to the hospital.." I begged.

"Look at me! I'm fine.." He said and tried to get up but he failed.

"See? You're not okay! This is final.. Whether you like it or not, we are going to the hospital!"

*Time skip*

"I said I am okay.." Jungkook still argued with me while we're entering the hospital.

"Jungkook, this is public.. I don't want to fight here." I said and tried my best to control my anger.

"Fine! But you know, I'm scared of hospital!" He shouts in anger.

Then all the people turned their attention to us..

"Don't try to embarrassed me here.." I begged.

"Fine!" He said, rolling his eyes.

Soon, we took our seats and waited for the nurse to call us.

"Let's go home.." Jungkook begged, while shaking.

"Don't be scared.. Hospital won't bite you.. I'm here.." I said, holding his sweaty hands.

"I really want to go home.." He said with puffy eyes.

"It will be fine.." I said. Acting cute won't set him free right now.

A few minutes later..

"Mr.Jeon Jungkook!" The nurse called.

"Come on.." I said dragging him to the room.

"Hello, Doctor!" I said and bow to the doctor.

"Please take a seats.." The doctor said to us.

Then, we took a seats.

"So, how can I help you?" She asked.

"My husband has been throwing up for a few weeks now.." I explained.

"Do you need to say the throwing up thing? You embarrassed me.." Jungkook whispered and I glared at him.

"So, we'll take some test."

"I'll be in the waiting room." I said and exited the room.

What will happen? I'm a bit nervous.. What if something bad happen to him?

*Time skip*

"Miss are you Kim Yerim?" The nurse asked.

"Yes, I am." I said and raise up from my seat.

"Follow me, please.." She said and I followed her and we went inside the room.

"So, why is he throwing up?" I asked, nervously.

"Actually, you're husband had a morning sickness because you are pregnant." The doctor said.

"I'm what?!" I asked.

"YOU.ARE.PREGNANT." She repeated.

"But I should be the one who have a morning sickness right?" I asked.

"Yes.. But sometimes the daddy had the morning sickness instead of the mommy.. This rarely happen.." She explained.

"This is so strange! Yerimie, the last time we have sex w---" I glared at Jungkook and he stopped talking.

God! This guy don't know what he's saying!


Hi there!

I didn't update too often right?

Anyway, I want to tell you that there's only two chapters left. I'm going to miss you guys so much!

As I've already said before, your vote and comments make me strong!

I requested you guys to check out my new story "Hurt" Mingyu fan fiction..

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Thank you so much!!


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