6. Have a good day at work

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(the fanart has nothing to do with this but it's terribly cute)

Au - Wanda and Vision are humans. It's three months after Chapter 3. Enjoy XD (Warning: smut (only mentioned)

Wanda hated mondays. Well, everyone hated mondays but she hated it the most. Wanda hated mondays with every fibre of her being. Not just because it was the day after the weekend. No. She hated it because  Mondays meant meetings and meetings were good usually because Vision was there and she was there and she could spend more time with him during work. Until she came. She was Virginia Shade. A tall blonde with short hair and blue eyes. And she was always eyefucking her gorgeous boyfriend in front of her eyes every monday.
Her relationship with Vision was wonderful. She isn't gonna let some blonde woman ruin it for her. She knew Vision would never cheat on her. He was the purest thing in the universe. After nearly three months of dating and two months of sleeping together he still asked her every time if he could kiss her and blushed like a teenager every time she took of her shirt in front of him. But even if she knew he wouldn't do anything about the blonde woman who was undressing him with her eyes every monday, she can't help but feel hate everytime she did it. Only Wanda was allowed to do that to her boyfriend.
Boyfriend. Wanda smiled and turned around in bed. There he was. His gorgeous face only inches away from her. She wrapped her armes around his still sleeping and naked chest and cuddled closer to him, hiding her face in his chest. It was still two hours until they have to leave her apartment to go to Stark Industries but they have gone to bed early and she has already gotten her 6 hours of sleep and was enjoying the warm body of her bedmate. Knowing him and how much he liked to sleep as long as possible, he will wake up in one and a half hours, taks a quick shover and they would have breakfast together before driving him to his apartment so they could go to work seperate.
That was the other prolem. The only one who knows about them is Tony Stark. He had walked in on them kissing on Vision's sofa in his apartment as he decided to visit his brother unannounced. He just laughed and told them to keep their relationship and work seperated and left. They hadn't told anyone else. Not that Wanda wouldn't want to announce to the world that Vision was hers, but she knew he was a very privat man and doesn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"Morning Wanda", sounded the husky british voice of her lover. He pulled her nearer and his his face in her hair. Wierd. What had woken him up?
"Morning Vizh", she whispered against his breastbone. "Why are you up? We still have two hours. Go back o sleep"
"I wanted to but a certain someone has been rubbing their hand up and down my back for at least ten minutes"
Wanda stopped her still moving hand. Shit. She didn't even realise it.
"I'm sorry"
"'s ok"
"Why don't you go back to sleep? You could still get an hour of sleep"
"Can't. You are too beautiful."
"What?",she asked blushing "That doesn't make any sense"
He moved away from her hair and pushed her gently on her back and started pressing wet kisses against her neck and pressed a certain part of his body against her thight. Wanda grinned and let him place kissed on her neck and collarbone.
"Ohh. So that's what you mean.",she said grinning as she grabbed his hand and guided it to her chest.

"That was brilliant",she announced breathless after he rolled off her later.
"We should do defenietly do that again.",he said just as breathless as she was. If she had known how it is in the mornings....
"Give me a few minutes first" he chuckled.
"What time is it?",he asked as he rolled over and grabbed his glasses.
"We still have one hour", she said sitting up. Do you want to shower first? I can make breakfast"
"No no. You go first"
"Thanks, dear" she got up, extra slowly because she was naked and he was watching, and walked to the en suite.
"Shit",said Vision as he felt a certain part of him coming to life at the sight of her naked form. Making a quick, and easy, decision he quickly stood up and ran after her.
"Wait! We can also shower together!"

After finishing the shower together, they left the bathroom and got dressed quickly. Wanda was about to start making breakfast as she heared her boyfriend course.
"Shit" , he shouted as he ran out of the bedroom, nearly falling in the process.
"We have ten minutes!Shit!!"
Wanda quickly grabbed two apples and they hurried out of her apartment and into her car.

They seemed to be lucky that day because they arrived on time and walked down a corridor together. Stopping in front of the conference room, they waited for the others to arrive.
Looking around and noticing Virginia coming towards them, her eyes lighting up as yhe saw Vision, Wanda did the first thing that came to her mind. She grabbed Vision by his shirt and dragged him down and kissed him until both of them were breathless.
Releasing him she straingtened his shirt.
"Have a good day at work dear.",she whispered.

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