11. You can have half

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They agreed to meet in a café in Edinbourgh, near the place she was staying, well, more like hiding, at with the others. Steve and  Nat were sharing a room and Sam and Scott. Clint went back to his family and Bucky was in Wakanda. She wished they could've stayed there too, but she understood why T'Challa was unconfortable with the idea. And meeting each other would've been even more difficult then it already was.
She entered the small café and looked around. She arrived a few minutes before they agreed to meet and she knew him well enough to know he'll arrive at exactly at time.
Only a couple of people were in the café. Two teenagers, who probably were on a date, a family with two small children and a blond man who was sitting in a corner staring at his hands in awe, which she found strange, but who was she to judge?
After buying a cup of tea and a piece of cake, she sat down near the door, a habit she picked up from Nat, and waited. Which she didn't have to do long, because the blond man suddenly, much quicker then he should've been able to and she didn't hear him walking, appeared by her side as soon as her behind hit the seat. She looked up at his face, which was awfully familiar and handsome and wondered where she has seen him before? Maybe she saw him on the streets the day before? That could be a possibility but something told her that she knew him from somewhere else.
"How can I help you?" she asked with a scottish accent that she practiced with Nat to hel them blind in. It too her some time but Wanda was sure that her fake accent wasn't that bad.
The man opened his mouth t say somethingbut closed it again and the corners of his mouth lifted a bit. That alone made Wanda nearly remember where she knew him from. Eventally that man did say something.
"Your accent is quite lovely, Wanda"
Her jaw hit the floor. What the hell?! Or more like... How the hell?!
"Vision?!", she whisper-shouted, even thought she was utterly shocked she still didn't want to attract attention to them.
"He smiled shyly at the floor why nodding. And that nearly made Wanda regret what she said after. Nearly.
"What the hell happened to you?!"
His smile changed into a frown but before he coild say anything, he was janked down into tge boot by Wanda who took his face into her hand and looked at him more closely. She rubbed his face with her finger and turned his head to inpect it from other angles too.
"What happened?? Who did this to you? Was it Stark? It was him, wasn't it? I swear to Thor's worthy ass, I'm gonna kill him the next time I see him!"
A finger on her lips stopped her rant.
"Wanda, shhhh. What do you mean? Don't you like it?"
He tried to hide it, but she could hear the hurt in his voice. Fuck, she didn't want him to think that she didn't like his new appearance.
"Of couse I do! You look fantastic!"
"Then why did you react so badly? It's a disguise, this way it will be easier for us to meet"
"Oh I didn't think about that... but is it permanent?"
"Unless you want it to be"
Vision chuckled and that made Wanda smile. But it was still strange to see him like this.
"Oh! I nearly forgot! I brought you something" he said as he took a single rose out of his coat. How the flower survived inside the pocket of his coat was a mystery to her.
"Wow, thank you. That's really nice of you", she said while a certain redness appeared on her cheeks.
"Oh you're welcome", he replied embarrassed and his cheeks got a pinkish tone. Wanda thought it was cute and smiled. Awkward silence followed, which was strange since they often spent hours sitting or being next to each other while one or both of them were doing something like reading or watching a movie. Or just being near each other.
"Ehm, unfortunately I don't have anything fo you but you can have half?", she tried to break the silence and pushed her piece of cake towards him.
"That's very kind of you, Wanda, but I must decline your kind offer"
"More for me"
They spent the following time talking about what happened between then and the last time they saw each other. Actually only Vision talked, she just ate her cake and offered some to him. He declined every time.
"Would you like to have the last bit?",Wanda asked.
"No, thank you"
"I'm certain"
"Really sure?"
"I have the feeling that it doesn't matter what I say and you'll just offer until I agree"
"You know me well. Now, open your mouth"
The corners of his lips twichen and he rolled his eyes, something he picked up from Ms Potts, as she often did it when she was around Mr Stark. Eventually he did open his mouth and Wanda fed him her last piece of cake.
"And how was it?"
"Sweeter then I imagined it to be. But I quite like it"
Wanda chuckled, she knew he'd say that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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