10. I'm sorry for your loss

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AU! Vision and Wanda are 17 and 16 years old. Vision is a human and he's Tony's (adopted) brother. Tony is 19. The night Howard and Maria Stark died.

Wanda's phone rang at 3:26 am. She groaned and grabbed it. The display read "Vision". She was awake instantly. Why would he call her in the middle of the night? And she knew he preferred to text. Something must be wrong.
"Vizh? What's the matter?", she asked worried after she picked up.
"Wanda.....", his voice broke. It sounded like he was in tears. Wanda immidiatly knew something was wrong. Vision never cried in all the years Wanda has known him. Not even when he fell from a tree and broke his arms.
"Oh my god. What happened? Are you alright?" Wanda could've slapped herself. Of course he isn't alright! What a stupid question to ask!
"I- I can't- I- They died- can you- please....", he menadged to say between sobs. Wanda already got up and threw on some clothes.
"I'm coming over Vision. I'll be there soon. Please try to breath"
"I- I need- they- I don't-....", he sobbed. And then he hung up.
Wanda ran put the front door, quickly texting her brother to let him know where she went. She dtarted running to the next bus bus stop whrn a car pulled up next to her. She knew that car. It was the Starks'. The frontbdoor opened and Happy Hogan got out of the car. "Wanda get in! Quick"
She did. Happy was the Starks' driver. They got along well and he would always take her and Vision to the cinema, sometimes even to school.
"What happened? Vision called me"
Happy sniffed. "Car accident....."
"Are they... did they make it?", Wanda asked shyly after the shock settled.
Happy only shaked his head.
"And Tony?"
He's at home"
Thank got the brothers aren't alone, she thought. At least they are together.
Wanda blinked back tears as she tought that. The Starks has been  always nive to her, well, Maria always has been while Howard barely talked to her. Not beacuse he hadn't liked her, it was because  he was always at work.
Soon they arrived at the Stark mension, much quicker then usually, and she was already out of the car before it stopped.
She sprinted to the front door, and using the key Vision has secretly given to her a few months ago, she opened it and ran into the house.
She stopped as she heard sobs voming from the living room. She couldn't identify which brother it was, but that didn't matter.
She quickly walked to the living room and saw a tall figure sitting on the couch, clunching a pillow as he cried silently but heavily.
It was Vision.
She walked over to him and hugged him from behind. It was hard with the back of the couch between them but it was a hug.
Vision flinched and moved away she stopped him by placing he hands on his chestvand pushimg him backwards.
"It's me Vizh"she said with tears in her eyes.
For a second the only sound in the room was his sobs. Then before Wanda could realize whatvwas happening, Vision threw the pillow away and pulled her, over the couch, into his lap and pressed her hard against his body, nearly crushing her while he continued his sobbing.
Wanda has also started crying at this point. She couldn't imagine how he must be feeling right now.
"I'm here Vizh, let it out" she thried to calm him down as she stroked his head that was rearing on her shoulder.
She stayed with him the whole night. She called her parents the next morning to let them know what happened. They promised to bring her a bag full of clothes so she could stay with her best friend as long as e needed her to.
She helped him and Tony organize the funeral. She held him every time he cried, held his hand every time he needed a hand to hold.
The funeral was quiet. She didn't know how, but the brothers menadged not to cry through it. They only broke down in the car as the four of them, Wanda, Vision, Tony and his fiancée Pepper. As Vision went to bed that night she spooned up behind him and held him as close as she could. As he fell asleep she kissed his shoulder and whispered the thing she wanted to say since the night he called her but didn't dare to.
"I'm sorry from your loss, Vision. But whatever happens, I'll be there. We'll go through it all"

Hi, it's me Tyler! Yes I'm alive.
I know ii's been a long time since I last posted something but I was really busy the last twoish months.  Please have patience with me. I can't promise my updates will be more regular but I'm not giving up on this.

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