1. Pull over. Let me drive for a while

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They were coming back from the Bartonys' farm as Vision said it. Clint and Laura needed them to babysit the children so they could go on a date and have some time for themselves. And since Vison drove them to the farm Wanda insisted to drive them back. But he could see how tired she was. Taking care of a baby that couldn't sleep through the night was hard and she barly got any sleep. Not that she would have anyways. She never sleeps well in unfimilar places and sonetimes she still had nightmares.
" Please Wanda",said Vision for the 6th time.
"No. I'm fine."
"We both know you are not. You haven't slept in the last 36 hours."
"Vizh, please. I've had worse."
Silence. None of them spoke for sometime afer that. Until Vision couldn't bear in anymore.
"Pull over. Let me drive for a while.",he said softly.
He must have done something different because Wanda gave him a glance from the corner of her eyes and pulled over. Finally.
He wasn't even driving fo a minute as he heard Wanda's sleepy voice. "You know you are my best friend, don't you?"
But before he could answer, beford he could say, yes he knew and she was his too, he heared her snorimg softly next to him.
He smiled and after he made sure she wouldn't wake up he whispered "I wished I was so much more than that"

Ok that was it! One done 99 to do. What do you think? Yes I know. Short. But I hope you still like it.

Question for you Scarlet Vision shippers:
Anyone interested in being in a Scarlet Vison Whats App group? If yes then tell me your number and I'll add you.
Next Chapter: It reminded me of you.

100 ways to say.... ~ A Scarlet Vision FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now