Niavi: Love and Hate

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I could hear them looking for me, talking and screaming. I love Trey I really do and I'm glad he didn't cheat. I watched from the window as he checked the hole thing by the basement. I decided to go take a shower and let them continue looking I needed time to myself. I was in the shower for about 20 minuets when I heard the front door slam and the three of them talking.

"Trey you left the shower on?" Nicki asked. Damn this girl got ears of a freakin bat. Next thing I know Trey came busting in the bathroom and I knew it was about to be some shit. 

"NIAVI WHAT THE FUCK!?" He yelled hopping in the shower blocking the water from getting to me. I tried to get out of the shower but he blocked the shower door. 

"Aye man we gone check on y'all tomorrow at noon." Speed yelled from the bedroom door. I waited til I heard the front door close and attempted to get out of the shower once again but Trey didn't move. I thought about all that has happened in the past couple of months and my life in general. Did I really want this? All of this? I loved Trey with all my heart but I wasn't so sure that I wanted to make this commitment now. 

"Niavi. Talk to me we can stand in this fucking shower til the water is ice cold for all I care but you got some shit to explain and I want an explanation right now!" He yelled. His voice was ten times louder cause we were in this big ass bathroom which mad his voice boom. 

"Trey I don't have to explain nothing to you now move because I am fine." I stated calmly. 

"Who the hell jumps from the third floor of a house when they are 4 months pregnant with twins? Your obviously fucked up in the head to do some crazy shit like that. Don't mess with me like this Niavi not when it comes to you and my kids well being I will murder somebody. Stop playin mind games and tell me what's up." Trey was yelling at first but then his voice mellowed as he looked into my eyes. 

"Trey nothing is wrong now could you move please and stop yelling in my fuckin face." Just then Trey gave me the craziest look I ever seen. Man oh man if looks could kill. 

Trey put his forehead to my forehead and backed my into the corner of the shower. 

"Niavi don't fuck with my head no more then you already have okay I'm not the one right now I will fuck you up but I love you to much and your pregnant. You could have died out there And don't give me that I was a hit man shit because everybody makes mistake here and there now I'm giving you a minute to start talking or else." He stated sternly and slowly and it scared the shit out of me. 

"Move Trey or what my ass. Your crazy as shit." I yelled. 

"You jumped out of a fucking window and your pregnant with twins Niavi TWINS! MY TWINS, OUR FUTURE, YOU DAMN SKIPPY I'M CRAZY! I'M BOUT TO SHOW YOU HOW CRAZY I REALLY AM SINCE YOU WANNA CONTINUE TO FUCK WITH ME!!!" He yelled. He turned off the shower took off his clothes leaving them in the shower and stormed out well tries to storm out cause that nigga busted his shit about two steps away from the shower. He got up and yelled. 

"GET OUT FUCK THE SHOWER AND GET DRESSED NOW!!!" He shouted making me jumped. I got out and grabbed a towel and sat on the bed as he dried off and got dressed. Once he was dressed he noticed I hadn't moved. The way he was acting really scared me but I couldn't let him know that. 

"So you don't want to move!?" Trey asked looking at me over his shoulder as he bent down to put on his shoes. 

"I'm not going anywhere so you can leave." 

He grabbed me by my face telling me to get dressed and I had less than two minutes or he would do it for me. Somehow I knew not to test him at this point and I got up and got dressed. I went to sit on the bed but he stopped me in my tracks. 

"Don't even think about it lets go!" He said through clenched teeth. The rain wasn't as heavy as it was so I just grabbed a jacket and headed down the steps. I walked towards the kitchen but Trey grabbed my arm and dragged me outside to the car. 

"Get in!" 

"Trey what the fuck is your problem!?"

"Get in the car Niavi don't push me."

I sat in the car "Punk ass!" I said as he closed the door but he snatched it open just as quick as he slammed it grabbing me by my face since he wouldn't hit me. 

"You better watch your mouth don't start this name calling shit." He said slamming the door getting in and speeding off. I knew he was mad as hell because he didn't even comment on the broken gates. He sped down the street the opposite way from town. 

"Trey were are we going?" 

"Somewhere that you won't have a choice but to talk to me."

"In the mountains?" I shrieked 

"I bet you'll talk when I'm done with you!" 

"Stop the car." 

"No!" Trey said taking his eyes off the road for a split second. 

"Stop it now or I'm jumping out!" I screamed. 


I reached for the handle unlocking it first using my shoulder to push the door .... 




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