Happy birthday!!

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Mal was still sleeping, in what is supposed to be a bed, in her bedroom in her mother's "castle" on the isle. She was suddenly awaked by her mom who was screaming at her to get up. Mal screamed back that she was coming in five minutes. She pulled out the cover from on top of her.

-Mal :"shit not again, stupid dreams", said Mal who was looking at the bulge in her boxers.

She got up to put on some pants and a t-shirt on. Mal was wearing a dirty green t-shirt with a purple dragon in the back and thigh black leather pants with purple patches. She putted on her usual leather jacket and her black military boots before going downstairs to go see why her mom was screaming at her already.

-Mal :"what is it mother?"

-Maleficent :"you forgot to bring me rat tails that I told you to get me one week ago and I believe it's your birthday today"

Mal gulped because she knew that her mother was going to give her a beating like every 15 other birthday before this one plus the fact that she forgot the rat tails wasn't going to help.

-Mal :"it's already February 13th ?", said Mal mostly to herself but her mother heard it.

-Maleficent :"most importantly is that you are still a disappointment after 16 years"

-Mal :"it won't happen again mother", said Mal in a tone more mocking then she intended.

-Maleficent :"i will make sure it won't happen and you won't forget this day", said Maleficent before taking her staff.

-Mal :"what are you going to d-ahouch"

(No one POV)

Mal hissed in pain when Maleficent hit her on her right arm with her staff.

-Maleficent :"shut up you are a disgrace to my name", said Maleficent before giving Mal another hit on the arm but this time cutting her lip in the process.

-Maleficent :"i will show you what happens when you fail me!"

(Outside the Bargain Castle, not very far from it...)

(No one POV)

A girl with blue hair, about 5"5, with a perfectly defined body, was walking to the castle to get Mal so that they would walk to school. She entered the shop, who was under Mal's house, and was about to knock at the door when she heard a scream of pain. The girl put her ear to the door to listen to what was happening exactly.

-Mal :"mother stop please I won't forget next time"

-Maleficent :"shut up you failure! I'm not done with you come back here"

(No one POV)

The next thing she heard was loud footsteps coming towards her. She barely got the time to back out from the door when Mal came running into her and sending both of them on the floor. Mal looked horrible. Her lip was cut, and bleeding, her jacked had a cut on the right sleeve and her left cheek was also bleeding.

-Mal :"Evie? What are doing here?"

-Evie :"i came here to walk with you to school"

-Maleficent :"Grimhilde's child, what in hell are doing here"

-Evie :"I was here to-", said Evie but got cut off by Mal.

-Mal :"She came here to buy something before going to school and were heading there right now", said Mal after helping Evie who didn't have the time to answer.

-Maleficent :"is that so...you have until tonight to get me what i need or you will be punished again for being such a failure and a disgrace to my name", said Maleficent in an arch tone before turning around and slamming the door shut behind her.

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