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-Maleficent :"YOU CALL THAT GOING TO SCHOOL, YOU USELESS AND DISAPPOINTING THING", said Maleficent before her minions approach to grab Mal and the gang.

(No one POV)

Evie, Carlos and Jay were about to go help Mal but they got caught by the minions. Mal didn't even wait, she kicked the guy's sweet spot before groaning in pain because she used her injured leg. The guys was on his knees holding his balls.

-Minion :"you bitch"

-Maleficent :"I'm the only one who can call her by those words", said Maleficent before hitting the minion with her staff.

-Mal :"mother why are you even here?", said Mal who was trying to keep her balance on her injured leg.

-Maleficent :"i had this feeling that you were going to be disgraceful again so i followed you and now I'm here to punish you.", said Maleficent before hitting hard Mal's leg with her staff, sending her to the ground while screaming in pain.

-Evie :"Mal!", said Evie who was trying to away from the guy's grip.

-Maleficent :"you", said Maleficent while pointing Evie "you corrupted my daughter, you slut", said Maleficent directly in Evie's face.

(No one POV)

Seconds after Mal heard that word and she saw Evie's broken face, she gathered all her strength and courage.

-Mal :"for you information mother, this girl is the most amazing person i know. She's beautiful, intelligent, wicked, amazing at sewing, a great cook, funny and i love her for that. I don't care if you think love is a weakness", said Mal who was finally standing just between her mother and Evie.

-Maleficent :"you have no place for love in your life, young lady", said Maleficent almost spitting the last word.

(No one POV)

Mal turned around to Evie was being held in place by of the "knuckleheads" and gave her a weak smile before giving her a peck on the lips. Evie wanted the kiss to last longer but Mal pulled away screaming and fell on the floor. Maleficent hit Mal again and again with her staff. Jay, Carlos and Evie were forced to watch their leader/friend getting destroyed by her mother. Maleficent was going to hit again when Evie was able to free herself and go in front of Mal. The staff hit Evie hard on her left shoulder. Evie winced in pained but stayed in the way to protect Mal who was barely conscious.

-Maleficent :"GET OUT OF MY WAY, SHE NEEDS A PUNISHMENT", screamed Maleficent at Evie.

-Evie :"If you break her she won't be able to do what you told her to", said Evie who had gotten on her knees beside Mal who was now unconscious.

-Maleficent :"you have a point, Grimhilde's child..KNUCKLEHEADS let's go", said Maleficent before getting out with her minions not far away.

(No one POV)

Once Maleficent was out of the house, Evie turned Mal around so that she was laying on her back. When Mal was turned around, Evie was trying to not cry at what she was seeing. Mal had blood on her neck, right cheek, injured arm and some cuts here and there. Jay and Carlos joined Evie on the floor.

-Mal :"e..e-v..vie", said Mal in a whisper and broken voice but with her eyes still closed.

-Evie :"I'm right here Mal", said Evie before she was shocked when Mal took her hand and gave it a weak squeeze.

-Mal :"t-han..ks fo..r sav-ving me...i lo-ove y-ou", said Mal before slipping back unconscious.

-Carlos :"don't worry Evie she will be okay, we will take care of her", said Carlos while putting a hand on Evie's shoulder.

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