True love

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(No one POV)

It's been three hours since Mal went off to talk to her mom and Evie was starting to get worried. She couldn't stop walking back and forth between the couch and the kitchen while thinking of millions of scenarios about what was happening right now to Mal.

(Evie POV)

Maybe Mal is dying right now after Maleficent gave her another beating or Maleficent is beating her at the moment or even worst maybe she's already dead...

-Carlos :"Evie will you calm down for a sec", said Carlos who stayed with her while Jay went to see what was happening with Mal.

-Evie :"I can't. Maybe she's dead right now or she needs me", said Evie before she couldn't contain her sobbing anymore.

(No one POV)

Carlos pulled Evie in a hug and Evie started crying on his shoulder.

-Carlos :"she will be fine don't worry. Mal is though and she will come back soon, don't worry", said Carlos while rubbing Evie's back and trying to sound soothing.

(On the roof of the Bargain Castle...)

(No one POV)

Jay was now on the roof but he couldn't hear anything. He decided to go down on the balcony but he made sure he was in a corner where he couldn't be seen. The balcony's glass doors were opened which was at Jay's advantage to listen.

-Maleficent :"How many times do i have to tell you that you have no father?!", said Maleficent for the umpteenth time.

-Mal :"this is just impossible! Tell me the truth for once, mother!", said Mal who didn't want to believe her mom.

-Maleficent :"I'm telling the truth as much as i hate sleeping beauty. So you, young lady, will stop being such an annoying brat and you will go wherever you want to go until i need you", said Maleficent before heading towards her big chair and then sitting on it.

-Mal :"but if i have no father, how do i even exist? It can't be magic, can it?", said Mal who was still waiting for a better answer.

(No one POV)

Maleficent let out a sigh and rubbed her face in her hands before looking at Mal.

-Maleficent :"a bit more than 16 years ago, Grimhilde, Cruella and I wanted a child but we all knew that there was no one was worth our time. Since me and Grimhilde still had our spell and potion books we decided to brew some even though there's no magic that could work. BUT one day something glitch in the system and we were able to use a bit of our magic. The three of us drank the potion in hope that it would work. It did for me and Grimhilde but not for Cruella and we don't know why...are you happy now that you have your answer?", said Maleficent before getting up from her chair to go to her balcony.

(No one POV)

Jay barely had a second to move but he managed to go up on the roof and out of sight. He decided to go back to the safe house but he told himself that he would wait to see Mal walk out non-injured before going.

-Mal :"I can't believe it...i need to get my mind off", said Mal before going in her room.

(No one POV)

She was about to take her bag but she then remembered it was at the safe house. At least she had an older one. Mal took that one, putted a few spray paint cans in it, took some clean clothes for later, since she knew she wasn't going to come back for the night, and took off. Jay saw Mal walk out but she was going in the opposite direction. He headed back to the safe house and concluded that he should leave Mal alone instead of following her. It took Jay about 10 minutes to get to the house. He opened the door and the only thing he saw was a crying Evie on the couch with Carlos hugging her.

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