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-Mal :"I think we should get dressed, princess", said Mal before getting a kiss on her jaw.

-Evie :"or we could stay in, cuddle and have more of what we did earlier", said Evie before getting on top of Mal and straddling her stomach but managed to keep the cover on top of them.

-Mal :"I would love to do that but i-I need to go talk to my mo-mother", said Mal but flinched on the last word because she felt Evie's grind on her now slightly-hard member.

-Evie :"I'm going to give her a poisoned apple. That bitch doesn't deserve you has her daughter", said Evie who was getting angry.

-Mal :"and your mother doesn't have the rights to tell you that you are not beautiful enough or that intelligence doesn't matter. You are truly the fairest of them all but not just that you're also the smartest girl on this god forsaken island.", said Mal before pulling Evie closer into and whispering. "And you're all mine, MY princess", before biting on Evie's neck then licking the mark.

-Evie :"fuck, you don't know how hot that was", said a blushing Evie before pulling Mal in a kiss and smiled in the kiss.

(No one POV)

Evie was turned on from Mal's possessiveness and she felt like she was living in a fairy tale…until Carlos and Jay barged in the room making both girl pull out and Evie tried to pull up the covers to protect them a bit more from their friends' eyes.

-Jay :"Hey, just wanted to check on Ma-holy shit.", said Jay before automatically heading out since last time he caught them he got attack with a first aid kit.

(No one POV)

Carlos stood there frozen like if he was waiting for Mal or Evie to say something.

-Mal :"what? Are you jealous because I lost my virginity before you?", said Mal before Evie tried not to laugh beside her but couldn't hold back really long.

-Carlos :"uh-I uh see you after", said Carlos before heading out and closing the door.

(No one POV)

When Carlos closed the door, Mal and Evie looked at each other then started laughing at what just happened.

-Evie :"oh poor, C! I think we just traumatized him", said Evie between laughs.

-Mal :"well it's not my problem because I'm loving your new outfit", said Mal before grapping Evie's ass and giving it a slap which made her groan.

-Evie :"you're quite handsome yourself, my dragon", said Evie before giving Mal a kiss and getting off of the bed to pick up her clothes.

(No one POV)

When Evie bended over to get her clothes, Mal couldn't help but drool at the sight. Evie felt like Mal was watching and it made her smirk at the thought.

-Evie :"enjoying the view?", said Evie before picking the rest and going back to Mal's side.

(Mal POV)

Shit I got caught…that was still one of the hottest thing I ever saw.

-Mal :"i-yeah I did and still do", said Mal while playing with one of Evie's blue lock.

-Evie :"you know? You ripped my panties earlier so I guess I don't have a choice but to wear leggings and my skirt without them", said Evie with a wink.

-Mal :"and you ripped my fav pair of boxers but I can't go commando with these pants", said Mal before getting up to get her clothes too.

-Evie :"why?", said Evie who had her bra and leggings on.

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