Auradon part:1

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(No one POV)

Mal woke up rather early compare to the last 2 times they slept in the same bed. Mal couldn't help herself but to kiss Evie to wake her up. Evie groaned in her sleep but Mal knew she was up when she saw the smile on Evie's face.

-Mal :"hey, princess", said Mal who just stopped kissing Evie's face.

-Evie :"hey, my dragon", said Evie before giving Mal a peck on the lips.

-Mal :"can i ask you something, Eves?", said Mal who looked nervous.

-Evie :"y-yes, what is it?", said Evie who was not sure if this was going to be a good or a bad question.

-Mal :"i've been wondering if um i mean if we could um..will you be my girlfriend, E?", said Mal while blushing and hoping Evie would say yes.

-Evie :"of course i want to!", said Evie before pulling Mal in a bone-crushing hug.

(No one POV)

Mal wrapped her arms around Evie's naked form and pulled her even closer. Evie felt Mal's erection pressing against her stomach. She pulled away and grinned.

-Evie :"i see that both of you are up", said Evie before touching the tip.

-Mal :"eh sorry but it's hard to resist you", said Mal while blushing bright read.

-Evie :"oh i can see it's hard", said Evie which made them laugh.

(15 minutes later...)

(No one POV)

The girls were out on different paths to find the boys. Mal was painting another graffiti and she started singing.

-Mal :"they say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad. They say I'm evil, that makes me glad", sang Mal before bumping her shoulder in a guy that was on her way.

(On a roof not so far from Mal...)

-Jay :"a dirty no-good down to the bone, you're worst nightmare can't take me home", sang Jay while descending a ladder, passing a woman then passing through an opening.

(On a table that was set for 40 poor evil minions...)

-Evie :"so i got some mischief in my blood, can you blame me? I never got no love", sang Evie before going of off the table and headed towards an alley.

(In an alley)

(No one POV)

Carlos passed through a window before he started.

-Carlos :"they think callous, little no life hood. I feel so useless, MISUNDERSTOOD!", sang Carlos while he took a red bandana and apple that he threw away after a bite.

(No one POV)

Evie and Mal met in a alley that was leading to a mostly abandoned storage.

-Mal and Evie :"mirror, mirror on the wall who's the baddest of them all? Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world", sang Mal and Evie while going into the building.

(No one POV)

While the girls were singing, Jay was on the roof then did a backflip before sliding on a lower roof. Carlos on his side, was jumping from bed to bed to disturb people that were sleeping and then heading out. The four evil descenders, met at a fence before opening it and causing mischief for those who were doing there laundry.

-Jay, Carlos, Evie, Mal :"I'm rotten to the core, core. I'm rotten to the core. I'm rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more? I'm nothing like the kid, next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the core", sang the group before taking metal sticks and hitting stuff on their way.

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