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(No one POV)

When Mal and Evie entered the room, Carlos was playing with some video games and Jay was pulling out stolen goods from his pockets.

-Mal :"what are you doing?", asked Mal to Jay.

-Jay :"it's called steal-"

-Mal :"I'm not dumb. I know what stealing is but why are you doing it? It's not the time", glared Mal who was getting pissed.

-Jay :"there's always time", shot back Jay.

-Mal :"well why don't leave that here and pick it up when we'll take over the world", said Mal before dropping the cellphone onto Jay's bed.

-Evie :"you sound like a mistress of Evil", complimented Evie.

-Mal :"awn thank you", said Mal to Evie even if her back was facing her.

-Jay :"you do it your way and I'll do it mine", said Jay before taking the remotes that Carlos gave him.

(No one POV)

The guys were goofing with the game and Evie was watching them with a smile. Mal, however, wasn't smiling at all. She was pissed that they were getting distracted.

-Mal :"guys! Do i have to remind you what we're all here for?", said Mal in an annoyed tone.

-Jay :"Fairy Godmother-blablabla-Magic wand-blablabla", mocked Jay while Evie and Carlos laughed.

-Mal :"this is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?", scolded Mal.

-the rest of the gang :"yeah.."

(No one POV)

The room was silent after Mal's speech and Mal, herself, was the one to break it.

-Mal :"E, mirror me", ordered Mal before she and Evie sat down.

-Evie :"mirror, mirror on t-in my hand. Where does Fairy Godmother's wand stand?", asked Evie to her mirror.

(No one POV)

A few second after Evie had spoken, the mirror showed the wand on it's stand. It was too close for them to know where exactly it was.

-Carlos :"zoom out"

-Evie :"magic mirror, not so close", said Evie before the mirror zoomed out to show the whole planet.

-Evie :"closer.., closer, closer-"

-Carlos :"can i get back to my game? I'm on level three", asked Carlos but turned back around when Jay said stop.

(No one POV)

The mirror showed the entrance of a building with a sign that was written "the museum of cultural history".

-Mal :"it's in a museum! Do we know where that is?", asked Mal who was happy that they were getting closer to the wand.

(No one POV)

Carlos started typing fast on his computer and in less than five seconds he found a map with the directions.

-Carlos :"at 2.3 miles from here"

(No one POV)

Mal didn't even wait. She went straight to the door and poked her head out to see if it was clear.

-Mal :"come on!", half whispered Mal.

(No one POV)

After about 30 minutes of walking/jogging, the gang finally arrived to the museum. Mal and Evie were in front while the two boys were right behind them.

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