Will you be my girlfriend

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(No one POV)

Mal was used to get woken up by her mother's screams but today what woke her up was the sun in her face. She opened her eyes and tried to adjust them to the lighting. Once she was finally awake, she look down to her stomach and saw Evie's head on it. Evie was holding Mal like her life depended on it. Mal taught it was really cute and winced when she look at her arm that had a huge bruise and a cut. She was definitely going to have a scar on the one. Mal's thoughts were interrupted by a kiss on her stomach.

-Evie :" 'morning, M", said Evie before removing her head from Mal's body and sitting.

-Mal :" morning, my princess. How can you look gorgeous like a goddess when you just wake up?", said Mal before cupping Evie's cheek and rub it with her thumb.

-Evie :"ushh you don't even have to make efforts because you are wickedly and naturally beautiful", said Evie who was blushing bright red.

(No one POV)

Evie dragged her nails on Mal's abs while keeping eye contact with her. Mal bit her lip to stop herself from letting a groan escape her mouth. Evie's lips were on Mal's jaw, nibbling, kissing and biting. Evie was going to kiss her way down Mal's body but she shrieked from excitement when Mal turned them around to be on top and kissed Evie's nose, making them burst into giggling mess. Mal could feel Evie's thigh rubbing against her hard member and it made her even harder. When Evie felt Mal poking on her thigh, she smirked and pulled Mal closer into her by the hips.

-Mal :"Evie..", Mal moaned.

-Evie :"Mal, I want you inside me now", said Evie while grabbing Mal's throbbing member making her moan again.

-Mal :"i- don't want to get you pregnant, well at least for now but if you never want children with me I would be fine..um I mean not that I want to..but I do one day", rambled Mal before Evie cut her with her finger on her lips.

-Evie :"you won't get me pregnant, M", said Evie with confidence in her voice.

-Mal :"how? I mean, I know that if i-um if I cum in you, you will probably be pregnant", said Mal who was kind of worried.

-Evie :"look in my jacket's right pocket"

-Mal :"uh ok", said Mal before moving a bit to the side of the bed to look in the pocket.

(No one POV)

Mal was about to say that there was nothing but than her finger caught something. She pulled it up to look at it and she realized what it was. A condom. She got back to bed with Evie.

-Mal :"how did you find one? It's almost impossible to find a good one here, on the isle.", said Mal who looked like a child who just got a candy.

-Evie :"I found it my mom's drawer and don't even ask me why she had a bunch of it", said Evie who was disgusted by the image of her mother with a man.

-Mal :"wait but why did you have this in your pocket when you didn't even know I loved you and that this would happen", said Mal who was surprised but happy.

(No one POV)

Evie blushed and smiled back at Mal.

-Evie :"I always had one in case something would happen between us, I know this sounds crazy but I don't know I guess I wanted to be prepared", said Evie who was going to continue but Mal cut her off by closing the space between their mouths.

(No one POV)

Evie didn't even realized that Mal had put the condom on when she was talking but it's when she felt the member at her entrance that realized it. She looked up to Mal who looked that she was asking for permission to start. Evie nodded to Mal to start and seconds later Mal was in her in one thrust. Evie let out a small scream of pain and then felt Mal caress her cheek and say sorry more than once.

-Evie :"I'm fine now you can start, my dragon", said Evie before Mal pulled out and thrust back in again.

(No one POV)

They both moaned when Mal started the slow pace but Evie wanted more and more. Evie grabbed Mal's ass and pulled her deeper in her. Mal groaned and kissed Evie hard then opened her mouth to let each other's tongue explore. Evie pulled away panting.

-Evie :"fahhster..hahhrdohher", moaned Evie right before Mal started going harder and faster.

-Mal :"oooh I'm so close, my princess", said Mal making Evie shiver with arousal.

-Evie :"me too ohh, Mal, I love you", said Evie who was digging her nails in Mal's back.

-Mal :"I LOVE YOU, EVIE", screamed Mal who had reached her climax but was still thrusting in and out of her princess.

-Evie :"MAAHHL", screamed Evie with arousal and exhaustion in her voice while arching her back.

(No one POV)

Mal pulled out from Evie making them both groan and threw the condom somewhere on the floor before cuddling with Evie.

-Mal :"that was…"

-Evie :"amazing..", said Evie before they both burst out laughing.

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