Auradon part:2

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(No one POV)

The evil squad was back at the Bargain Castle with their parents also. Maleficent was in her big green chair that she called throne while the four descenders were in front of her.

-Maleficent :"you will go, you will find Fairy Godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand..easy-peasy", said Maleficent while doing what looked like sharpening her nails.

-Mal :"and what's in it for us", said Mal who wasn't convinced yet.

-Maleficent :"matching thrones, hers and hers crowns", said Maleficent who was smiling about having her own throne and crown.

-Carlos :"i-i think she meant for us", said Carlos with a small voice because he was obviously kind of scared of Maleficent.

(No one POV)

Mal nod in agreement with Carlos and pointed the gang so that her mother get the message pretty clear. Maleficent threw her nail file away and got up from her chair before pointing Mal to go closer.

-Maleficent :"it's all about you and me baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?", asked Maleficent with a hand gesture.

-Mal :"well yeah, i mean who doesn-", said Mal before flinching when her mother cut her off abruptly.

-Maleficent :"well then get me the wand and you and i can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my sceptre i will be able to bend both good and evil to my will", said Maleficent with huge hands gestures to make everyone understand.

-Evil Queen :"our will?", said EQ after placing her mirror down.

(No one POV)

Cruella nodded in agreement and Jafar turned around to look at Maleficent.

-Maleficent :"our will", agreed Maleficent before turning her attention back to Mal and snapping her fingers at her.

-Maleficent :"and if you're grounded for the rest of your life missy", said Maleficent with a smirk and a wink.

-Mal :"what? Mom!", whined Mal before Maleficent shut her up and started looking at her with her intense magic glare.

(No one POV)

Mal knew her mother was going to win this round but she tried anyways. She could feel her mother burn into her soul with her eyes. She tried to keep up but her efforts didn't pay off.

-Mal :"ugh, fine whatever", said Mal before sitting on one of the stairs.

-Maleficent :"i win"

-EQ :"Evie! My little evil latten trail, you go find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother in law ring"

-Evie and EQ :"and lots and lots of mirror!", said the mother and daughter before Evie chuckled in excitement and clapped her hands.

-EQ :"no laughing! Wrinkles", said EQ which made Evie stop automatically.

(No one POV)

Maleficent wanted to band her head staircase multiple times when she heard EQ's speech.

-Cruella :"oh well they're not taking my Carlos because I'd miss him to much", said Cruella before patting Carlos' cheek.

-Carlos :"really mom?", said Carlos with hope in his voice.

-Cruella :"yess! Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur and scrap the buttons off my feet", stated Cruella before raising a leg into Carlos' arms.

-Carlos :"well maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing", said Carlos before releasing his mother's leg.

-Cruella :"oh god, Carlos they have dogs in Auradon", said Cruella before again patting his cheek.

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