Chapter 10: queen bitch herself

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(No one POV)

The boys got out of the limousine fighting over a blanket and the girls just passed on top of them. Outside there was a whole band and crowd cheering. They all stopped playing and cheering when they saw Carlos and Jay fighting.

-Carlos :"ah why do you want whatever this is?!", said Carlos who was on the floor.

-Jay :"because you want it!", said Jay who had his feet on Carlos' chest while he was pulling the cover.

-Mal :"guys, guys, guys! We have an audience", warned Mal before trying to act like this was normal.

-Jay :"just cleanin' up, get up", said Jay before pulling Carlos up.

-FG :"leave it like you fouunnd it! By that i just mean leave it", said FG before Jay threw everything in the limousine.

(No one POV)

Once Jay was done with that, he decided to try his charm on the girl who was in front of him. Even if he was gay and he didn't like doing it.

-Jay :"Hello, foxy. The name's...Jay", said Jay while moving closer to the pretty girl.

-Audrey :"hehe", chuckle Audrey awkwardly.

(No one POV)

Jay was happy that it was actually working but FG had to break the moment and step in front of Audrey.

-FG :"Welcome to Auradon Prep! I'm Fairy Godmother, head mistress", said FG before bowing.

(Mal POV)

So that's the old bat? Well that should be easy.

-Mal :"THE Fairy Godmother? As in bibidi-bobidi-bo?", asked Mal with fake interest.

-FG :"bibidi-bobidi-you know it", said FG smiling which made Mal want to puke.

-Mal :"yeah, I always wonder what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere! With that sparkly wand and warm smile...and that sparkly wand", said Mal before clapping her hands together.

-FG :"that was a long time ago. And as i always say, don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future", said FG with a huge hands gesture.

(No one POV)

Mal's smile faded and was replaced with a glare of annoyance. The handsome boy that was on FG right side, took a step forward before talking.

-Ben :"it's good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben", said Ben who wanted to sound friendly and not-so kingly but his girlfriend had to break that idea.

-Audrey :"Prince!, Benjamin. Soon to be king", said Audrey with excitement in her voice.

(No one POV)

Evie stepped in front and Mal knew what her princess was going to do and she wasn't going to like it.

-Evie :"you hired me up, Prince. My mom's a queen which makes me a princess", said Evie before bowing.

-Audrey :"the Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you", shot back Audrey like if she was Ben's little guarding Chihuahua.

(No one POV)

Mal couldn't take it anymore. She step in front of Evie, who tried to stop her, and started yelling at the prissy princess.

-Mal :"you insult her one more time and it will be the last thing you say! Understand me bitch?", almost screamed Mal.

-Audrey :"oohh kitty got claws", shot back Audrey with a smirk.

-Mal :"and those claws are going to rip your heart out", hissed Mal before Evie pulled her back and made Mal look at her.

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