The secret

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(No one POV)

Mal was on the bed looking at Auradon from the window and wondering if she would one day see that side of the world. She was cut from her thoughts when she felt the bed shift and turned around to see Evie.

-Evie :"hey are ok?", said Evie who was almost scared to be close to Mal.

-Mal :"sorry i snapped but i could be better", said Mal still looking outside by the broken window.

-Evie :"can i ask you why you hid that from me but told Jay?", said Evie with a tone of jealousy.

-Mal :"I didn't tell him, he just found out about this and the other thing", said Mal who finally turned around to look at Evie.

-Evie :"you were about the other thing before the guys came in, right?"

-Mal :"i-i was",said Mal before going completely on the bed and rest her back on the wall.

-Evie :"and..uhm can you tell me now? Oh and by the way i already assumed that you were gay because well you didn't like any of the guys"

-Mal :"if i tell you can you promise me you won't freak out and tell the whole school?"

-Evie :"i promise, you can trust me", said Evie while putting her hand on Mal's lap, making Mal flinch at the contact.

-Mal :"well as i was saying, I'm not a normal girl and there's one more thing, beside what you said, that makes me well...abnormal"

(No one POV)

Mal bit her lip nervously which was super cute from Evie's point of view. When Mal had finally gathered enough courage to tell Evie, she started.

-Mal :"i have a penis", said Mal whispering the last word.

-Evie :"you have what? Stop whispering"

-Mal :"i said i have penis", said Mal in an archer tone then she originally intended.

(No one POV)

Mal raised her head up to look at Evie's reaction. Evie looked surprised but not disgusted which shocked Mal.

-Mal :"aren't you disgusted by me?"

-Evie :"why would i be? You're a lesbian and you have a penis that doesn't mean that i should hate you or judge you for it. You are born like that, it's not a choice you made plus i already knew that you had a penis", said Evie in a sincere tone.

-Mal :"what?! How?"

-Evie :"well one time, after you save from my mother's screaming and throwing plates, we slept in your bed and um your boner was kinda poking me..."

-Mal :"oh my god, fucking hell. I'm so sorry shit this embarrassing.", said Mal who had a blush red as a poisoned apple.

-Evie :"I wasn't really innocent that night..", said Evie who started blushing too.

-Mal :"what do you mean by not innocent?", said Mal who was getting interested by the turning of the conversation.

-Evie :"once you were asleep, i wrapped my arms around you to hug you and you hug back which was surprising since you are not a fan of touches but your hand grabbed my ass and pulled me even closer. At that point i was um really turned on and a gave you a kiss near your ear and whispered 'evil dreams, my dragon'..that's when your boner poked me", said Evie who was looking down in shame but when she saw Mal with a smirk, a wave of heat went through her whole body.

-Mal :"I wasn't asleep when you did that but I didn't though you felt my boner on you"

(No one POV)

Evie went on top of Mal and sat on Mal's laps.

-Evie :"and now do you think i feel it?", said Evie in a sexy tone that Mal's never heard Evie use it.

-Mal :"i-i um uuhh E..", said Mal who was obviously getting turned on.

-Jay :"What the fuck?", said Jay who just opened the door because it's been a while since Evie was in there.

(No one POV)

Evie literally jumped off of Mal and almost fell but Mal took her hand while wincing since it was her injured arm.

-Evie :"I'm sorry Mal are you ok?"

-Mal :"i will be better in 2 or 3 days but it's ok it's not your fault"

-Jay :"what the fuck were you two doing?", said Jay who was still there watching them.

-Evie :"don't you think you've been an asshole enough today?", said Evie before storming out of the room with Mal.

(No one POV)

Mal tried to keep pace with Evie who was almost running but she failed and fell on one knee.

-Mal :"did you already forget about my leg, E?", said Mal before looking up to see Evie's hand and took it.

-Evie :"sorry Mal but i needed to get away from him", said Evie who just sent a glare to Jay who was almost beside them.

(No one POV)

The girls went back to the couch were they left the med kit. Evie took out a medical sponge and put a bit of alcohol on it before pressing against Mal's cut lip. Mal wince at the contact of the alcohol on her cut. Evie was rapidly done with Mal's lip so she went to her cut cheek. The cut wasn't deep enough to leave a scar but it still hurt like hell.

-Carlos :"what stupid comment did you make this time, Jay?", said Carlos who was looking at Jay.

-Jay :"it's not my fault that Evie was on top of Mal and straddling her when I opened the door"

-Carlos :"uhm okay? Girls what were you actually doing?", said Carlos who turned around to face the girls.

-Mal :"at first we were talking about the fact that I have a dick and then well she kinda caught me off guard and jumped me", said Mal who was blushing when she remembered the moment.

-Carlos :"Mal, do you love Evie?"

(No one POV)

Evie dropped the sponge and looked at Carlos with wide eyes and opened mouth. Mal just lost every color on her face.

-Mal :"I'm not allowed to love, love is a weakness by my mom's point of view", said Mal who was looking at her laps because she didn't want to see the reaction on Evie's face.

-Carlos :"that doesn't answer the question", said Carlos who clearly had a point there.

-Evie :"do you?"

-Mal :"i-I love Evie since probably the day we met and you Evie d-do you love me?", said Mal who raised her head to look at Evie's reaction.

-Evie :"I love you and you don't know how long I've waited for you to say those three words"

(No one POV)

Mal didn't wait a sec she pushed the med kit on the floor and pulled Evie for a kiss. Her lip hurt like hell but she didn't mind the reason why it was hurting right now. Evie was going to deepen the kiss when a loud bowing voice screamed.


(No one POV)

Mal pulled away and immediately recognized that voice. It belong to her mother.

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