What now?

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(No one POV)

Mal almost fell off the roof when she heard Evie's voice. She turned around and got up but fell back down unto her knees immediately. Evie helped her up and pulled her into a hug.

-Evie :"hey", said Evie in a sweet and caring voice.

-Mal :"why are you even here? I look like shit and I'm weak again", said Mal while pulling out of the hug to drink one last gulp before closing the bottle.

-Evie :"I'm here because i love you and i care about you Mal. You are not weak because none of us would've been able to stand in front of our parent like that and you're the most courageous person i know so stop beating yourself up like that", said Evie before grabbing the bottle from Mal's hand and put it back in the hiding spot.

-Mal :"why would you care about a useless thing like me E? There's nothing interesting about me and ugh I'm just-", said Mal who was cut off by a finger on her lips.

-Evie :"will you shut up and listen to me, now?", said Evie in a serious tone.

(No one POV)

Mal nodded yes and sat down on a box while Evie sat on another one in front of her. Evie took Mal's hand in hers and entwined their fingers.

-Evie :"you're an amazing person Mal and you should know that. You're strong, smart, funny, you have a great sense of leadership, cute, beautiful without any effort and i love you for all those reasons. Now promise me you won't ever run away from me like that", said Evie who was now looking at their hands and smiled.

-Mal :"i p-promise", said Mal with difficulty since the booze was getting to her brain.

-Evie :"good now let's get you back to the house and fix you up", said Evie before getting up and helping Mal to get up.

(15 minutes later...)

(No one POV)

Evie had an arm around Mal's waist to help her stand up while Mal had an arm around Evie's neck. Evie opened the door and lead Mal to the bedroom. Mal sat on the bed and Evie helped her put her injured leg on the bed. Evie hopped on the other side of the bed. She laid her head on Mal's lap while Mal was sitting up with her back on the wall.

-Evie :"don't run away this time, please M", said Evie who was hugging Mal's non-injured leg.

-Mal :"i can be-barely walk, my Princess. I w-won't run away", said Mal with a drunk tone.

(No one POV)

Evie blushed at the nickname Mal gave her and hugged her a little harder before falling asleep with her.

(4 hours later...)

(No one POV)

Evie was woken up by Mal's mumbling and shifting while sleeping. She looked up to see that Mal had sweat on her forehead and she was shaking.

-Mal :"no mother..i love her, don't touch her...",said Mal in her sleep.

-Evie :"Mal, wake up.", said Evie before taking Mal by the shoulders

-Mal :"i would die for her..don't mother! NOOO", screamed Mal before waking up and looking at Evie who was at her side.

-Evie :"I'm here for you, M. Do you want to talk about it?-oof", said Evie before Mal pulled her in a bone-crushing hug.

-Mal :"i love you so much, Evie. So so much", said Mal who pulled away a bit to look in Evie's eyes.

-Evie :"i love you with all my heart, Mal", said Evie before leaving a kiss on Mal's cheek, making both of them blush.

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