Cordially Invited

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It was the 4th of mushvember. The world lay still. Ominously still.
Bodies sprawled across the floor, blood streaming out like tears. Inaudible begs for mercy were washed away by the sounds of guns firing, of people screaming. There was no more hope.
"I loved you... please don't..." A voice pleaded with rasp and rawness.
And with a heart as black as an abyss, a towering figure pulled the trigger.

Luigi woke up, sweat drenching his body. It felt almost real, his dream. Of course. Today was that party thing to celebrate the new arrival in town. It was weird enough the place they were staying had rumours of being haunted, deserted. He hated dinner parties. He hated strangers even more. So this to him was the American Civil War all over again. Well, in his opinion. Mario was way more optimistic, yet more sociopathic and weird.

"It's not like you're going to die, right?" Mario questioned as Luigi sulked in the back seat. He was convinced that Mario was inhumane. He hated mario.

As they arrived at the brand new, refurbished house, which used to sag on the high, daunting Koopa Cliff. About twenty other cars were parked, which angered Mario.
"Hey... this was supposed to be in our honour." He complained as he spotted some annoying faces. Luigi laughed. "Is it just me who spots some irony here? You think it'll be in your honour, you love dinner parties, and it's hated now just because it's not in your honour. Wow."

Daisy sauntered casually over towards Ashley, Ivy and Mona, who were discussing Miitopia and Amiibo characters. "Hey!" She cheered, grabbing their attention. "Hiya, Dai."
Mona replied, scrubbing the mirror on her Harley. She was considered the 'grandpa' of the group, liking her mopeds and golfing, yet she always had a troublesome smile. Ashley bowed her head shyly. She never felt like she'd fit in with others, and Ivy always tried to convince her it wasn't true by force-feeding her yorkie bars and sushi.

"Oh look. It's the outcasts of Nintendo." A familiar voice taunted. They looked up at a sexy figure, with platinum blonde hair. Rosalina. She was always one to be nasty to the four girls. Birdo, Candy and Dixie laughed along to her malicious laugh.
"Listen, Rosie. Peach told me I should like you because, really, you're a nice person. So I think we should start over. Hi, I'm Daisy." Daisy told her calmly, wanting to be her friend.
"Well, Peach told me not to trust people who look related to Bowser. Maybe come back when you've got an amiibo or two." Rosalina spat with malice. Daisy was mortified, face flushed with both anger and embarrassment. Suddenly she flung her body at her, causing one of many catfights. Pauline watched this, envying Rosalina's smart and eloquent speaking.

An hour later, everyone had arrived. Ivy had just managed to separate the two girls fighting, practically sacrificing herself at the same time.

"Welcome, my fabulous guests! Welcome to my humble abode. I am your host, Bowser!"

Celeste burst out laughing, and couldn't stop until she choked on a piece of her own hair. Toad gave himself a face palm. He was also shaking with fear. He'd ran into a trap.
"I know you guys hate me. But this is also a peace treaty. Me and my fiance have bought this home to say goodbye to evil. To change our ways. To prove that I am sorry. I'll never be evil again."

Ashley looked unsure. "Why should we all trust you when you can maul us to death at any second now?" This recieved a round of agreeing murmurs and whispers.

"Because I've changed. And if you don't think that, then you can bloody well leave!" Bowser roared, pointing at the small girl. Everyone stared at the crazy turtle-thing ( my friend said that- she doesn't understand the Mario franchise) as if he were crazy.

"Uh huh.. very convincing..." Wario sneered sarcastically.

"JUST COME IN BEFORE I THROW SOMEONE OFF A CLIFF, FOR SHROOM'S SAKE!!!" Bowser screamed as he stamped his foot at everyone.

"Very sane..." muttered Peach "You hate us... we hate you. Why should we just forget the past and now think that you're some god?"

Bowser stared at the princess, mildly irritated.

"Let's... just go in, okay, before someone dies!"
Luigi finally spoke up. He hated this. He hated most things, but this very mush.

As Bowser re entered his house in anger, the crowd gave mutters of suspicion.

"Shouldn't we have followed?" Florence queried. She was quite shy, quite secretive, usually enjoying binge-watching anime and reading manga. Yet she had royal duties to attend, she liked going her own way.

"Maybe." Wario sighed, as he texted Cricket, one of his best friends.

"Let's just hope nobody actually dies this evening. " Birdo laughed, elbowing Luigi. "That's not what I came here for..."

"ARE YOU COMING OR NOT YOU SIMPLE MINDED SIMPLETONS?!" Bowser screamed, causing the crowd to whiten...

"Okay, okay, we're coming, Bowser!" Mario yelled, kicking Bowser in the leg.


Yay! We finished this chapter! Thanks to Super_Mario_Sister for the nice and encouraging words! Alright, I've got to get to work on other stories and listen to Hamilton and other stuff.

Bye my Webcakions!



Ps. I put narwhals on because when it gets to gruesome parts, you can just watch that to distract yourself from grossness.

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