Chapter 3: Step up

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"WOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!" Yamada says his voice screeching into my ears.

I looked at the guy in the doorway, I had to look at him twice, to make sure that it wasn't my imagination that he was glowing.

How.... annoying...

"Who's he?" I say rubbing my eyes from the brightness.

"Toshinori Yagi!! People say he has a powerful quirk...." Yamada says lounging in the chair next to me.

"How powerful though...." I say looking him in the eyes.

He smiles "We'll see...."

"Hey!!" I look at the opposite direction to see Toshinori walking to me and waving at me.

"Is he walking to me..."
"What do I do?"

"Hey" Toshinori says, "Shouta right?" As he extends his hand waiting for me to shake it.

I ignore his hand but look at it with pity "yah...."

He puts his hand back in his pocket akwardly as he runs his other hand through his hair, "oh.. uh.. well!! It's nice to me you!! I want to be friends with everyone here!! So can I call you as my friend!!" He says smiling brightly.

Most people would say yes to a bright smile, but my answer,


His face died down from his smile. "What....."

I ignored him and sat back down in my seat, "You shouldn't expect everyone to be your friend, now can you leave..... your too bright..." I say closing my eyes.

"I see...." I open one eye and see him look sad as he goes sit in another seat.

"Don't you think you were a bit harsh on him?" Hizashi says taking a bit out of his bread.

It was lunch time and I ended up sitting with Yamada,

"Tch, if he thinks that's harsh, he'll never be a hero...." I say drinking some water.

"Dude seriously your the worst,"
"Yet here you are inviting me to sit with you...."
"Cause your my only friend!!"

"Seriously man!!" He says sighing "how are you ever going to make friends if all you do is bullshit them!!"

"And that's a bad thing...."

He leans back in his chair, "Look as a hero we need other people to help us get the job down, you can't just do it yourself!!"

I groaned "You think I don't know that....." I say stabbing my potato.

"Then at least make an effort!!" Yamada said waving his arms. "You're going to make more enemies then friends..." He says rolling his eyes.


I turn around to see a red haired guy stand behind me holding his tray of lunch with 2 other guys behind him.

"Can I help you.." I sneered I can hear Yamada having a heart attack.

"Beat it!! This is our table!!" The guy behind the red haired one.

But the red one raises his hand to stop him "Your Shouta right? Aizawa Shouta?"

"Yes that's my name...."

He smirks "Heh!! You got some nerve to mess with someone much better than you!!"

I look at his hands as flames danced into his palms.

So that's his quirk....

I look at his eyes and stand up so that we were at the same height. "So... what are you gonna do about it..." I say not flinching at all.

"Hey Shouta!! You want to get us killed!!" Yamada says.

I brush him off.

He laughs his voice booming through the room "My names Enji Todoroki... a flame family quirk... I could burn you like barbacue right now if I wanted too..."

"Go ahead..." I say feeling my eyes glow red.

He frowns at me "the fact you're not scared makes me angry.... just die!!!!"

He throws up his hand, but nothing comes out "wha-"


I punch him in the face sending him flying, crashing into the next table.

Yamada looks at me with shock,

"You probably haven't heard my quirk, since you wanted to pick a fight with me...." I said walking towards him.

"How?" He groans in pain.

"I don't like heroes like you who only depend on their quirks for help...." I say feeling my hair flying up taking another step toward him.

I swore the room temperature went down as Ice started to freeze up around my shoes.


"Please don't fight anymore..." a soft voice said.

I looked in front of me and see a beautiful girl with white hair and icy blue eyes.

"I'm sorry for his inappropriate behavior....." She says bowing down breathing out cold mist.

"DAMMIT REI!!" Enji yells but gets cut off by the icy girl's foot.... on his face.

"You should be the one saying sorry to him...." she says dragging him by the leg.

I feel the ice around my foot melt as I walk to my seat normally. As Yamada looks at me nervously.


Author's Note: So in case if you're confused about this story, it's basically UA in the age when Aizawa attended it, so basically when he was learning with the pro hero's, if you don't know their names, here the characters that are here so far

Toshinori Yagi = All might

Enji Todoroki = Endeavor

Aizawa Shouta = Eraserhead

Yamada Hizashi = Present Mic

Rei Acker = Todoroki's mom

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