Chapter 16: Come back

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"Shit," the boys from Class B curse under their breath. "It's Toshinori, I thought that bastard already left?!" They yelled. "Let's go!!"

I lean my head back against, the tear stained lawn, sighing almost in relief that the blond haired boy crouched down by my head. Toshinori's blond hair shining and his eyes widen from my injuries. "What did they do to you?" he whispered. 

After that, I didn't know what happened next. My vision started getting dark till I finally passed out. 


My eyes flutter open, my body leaned back against the bed, my eyes staring up the white ceiling of my bedroom. I was back at my house? Who brought me back? 

I try to sit up, but grunt from the tightly wrapped bandages, stopping the wounds from bleeding. "Hey, sit back." a hand pushes my arm back, patting the pillows back. I turn to my right, to see Toshinori by my side. 

"What happened?" I groaned, all I remember were those Class B kids beating me up. 

Toshinori stares at me, with a worried look his face. "Some students from Class B, were fighting you." His look turned dark. "I hate it when people prey on the weak like what they to you." his expression no longer as light as it was before. 

I almost wanted to reach out, worried about him now. But suddenly my doorbell rang, "Oh," his arm off my bed. "It must be, Yamada and Nemuri!!" He says in joy, but I knew well that was his joy was fake. Fake smiles, fake expressions, that fake voice... 

What the hell happened to him? 

"Aizawa!!" Nemuri runs to me, bringing my head right onto her breast. I freeze, hating the sudden contact. "We were so worried about you!!" she cooed. 

"Ack... Please get off of me!!" 

Yamada sighs, "WHAT THE HELL MAN!!" he slams the back board of my bed. "ALL THAT MYSTERIOUS MAN MOJO AND YOU GET BEATEN LIKE THIS!!"My friend yells, I wince from the noise level. 

"Ughhh..." I put a hand to my ear. 

Yamada looks down at me, "Next time, if someone dares beat you up, you send us there to help you!!" 

Nemuri nods, her grip finally released from me. "YEAH!! Let's show those Class B bastards who their messing with. 

Toshinori giggles, "You guys are so badass." 


"Ugh... so loud." 

The snores of Yamada and Nemuri filled the room, waking me up. I groan softly from my bed, looking at the two sleeping at a near bean bag chair. I sighed, I told the two to go home already, but they refused, staying to protect me if anything bad happened. 

My lips couldn't help but turn into a smile. For the first time I had friends I could depend on, no longer was I alone in my own little cubicle. "Maybe I have Toshinori to thank for this." I whisper under my breath, remembering the smiling golden boy. 

Where is Toshinori anyways? 

I looked around to see the futon he was supposed to be sleeping on was gone, the blankets unraveled from their mattress. "What the.." 

I slowly got up from my gray bed, making sure I didn't let the bandaged wounds to brush against the furniture. Careful to make sure I didn't wake the two up on the beanbag. I took my black shirt, putting it on to cover my naked body wrapped with bandages. 

I walked downstairs in my cat slippers, following the creaks of the old stairwells. "Where the hell is he?" I whisper to myself. I think back to him earlier, when I tried to reach out and touch him. To ask him if he was alright. As much as that doesn't sound like me, I was still concerned for the shining little boy. 

I mean, his superhero friend did die earlier. Maybe it's my fault talking down to him earlier. I heard a click on my door, I look up to see Toshinori walking out, closing the door behind him. That's weird, where is he going. 

I look back to my two sleeping friends, then back at Toshinori taking off to wherever he was going. "I need to go after him..." 

I grab my scarf, letting it tie snuggly onto my neck and grab my jacket, slipping through the sleeves. "Where the hell are you going Toshinori?" I whisper to myself, before heading out myself.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the brief Hiatus, just wanted to write about other works for a change, but I'm back. 

This book will be reaching it's end soon but don't worry there will be more chapters coming soon till that happens. 

But for now, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. :3

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