Chapter 6: The weekends

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Beep!! beep!! beeepp!!

"Mmm....." I groan as I turn off my annoying alarm clock.

I push away the covers and put on my cat slippers..... that's not something to make fun of..

I yawn as I go downstairs to the kitchen. I pour myself some milk and put it in a cup for me to drink. I lean against the counter sighing as I look up at the wall of photos that were placed up.

"Huh.." I stared at my family photo that had me and my parents smiling

Ringggggg!! Ringggggg!!

"Eh?" I look down at my phone that was ringing, the screen lighted up with an unknown caller ID.

"Hello?" I said.

"HEYYYYY AIZAWWWWAAAAA!!!" An annoying yell sounded through the phone, it was so loud I had to move it away from my ear.

"Who is this!?!" I said, who could it be!?! I never told anyone my phone number!!

"Yamada...." I sighed.

I heard a laugh on the other line "Come outside!! I have a suprise!!"

The call ended and I heard a knock on my door. "Wait.... how does this bastard know where I live?"

I opened the door to see Yamada, Toshinori and Nemuri standing outside.

"Good Mor-"


"Oh c'mon Shouta!! Don't greet your friends like that!!" I reopened the door "what do you 3 want... and don't call me like I'm your buddy...."

Toshinori straightens up "We were wondering if you wanted to spend the weekend with us!!" He smiles brightly


I started to close the door, but Toshinori pushes it open.

"C'mon shouta~♡ Come play with us..." Nemuri says putting a hand on my shoulder.

I smack it away "Your flirting doesn't work for me..."

Nemuri looks baffled "How dar- are you gay or something?!?!"

"Okay!! Let's calm down!! Shouta can we come in?" Toshinori says

I sigh "whatever..." leaving the door open for them to come inside.

Nemuri sits down on the couch while Yamada looks around through my shelf.

"Man what kind of grandpa books do you read?" He says taking one of the books out.

I snatch it out of his hand "They are very enjoyable...." and put it back on the shelf.

"So..... shouta? Where are your parents?" Toshinori says leaning back.

I hesitate for a second. He saw the photos....

"They don't live here... anymore, they passed away a long time ago...."

Yamada gasps as Nemuri walks over to me.

She puts a hand on my arm "I'm... so sorry..."

"Its fine..." I say.

Yamada smiles "let's go have some fun!!"

I smile back.

"There was a fair around here?" I said looking at the bustling people and the children laughing with cotton candy in their hands.

"Dude!! Do you ever get out of the house?!?" Yamada says pushing up his glasses.

I ignore him "So what do you want to do?"

All of them look at me blankly but Toshinori's the one who laughs and breaks the tension. "Rides of course!! Hope you like Rollercoasters!!"

"Yah!!" Yamada says as we walk to the ride's line.

I hear Toshinori gasp.

I look over to him to see him staring at someone.

"Is there... something wrong?" I said patting him on the shoulder.

He nods "I need to go!! I'll come right back!!" He says running out of the line.

"What!! But we're next!!" Yamada says but Toshinori was already long gone.

I sigh, something's not right.... "You guys go ahead.... I'm going after him..."

"What!! You too!!"

I ran out of the line in the same direction as Toshinori.

"Where the hell can that bastard be going...." I sigh into my white scarf. "Dammit...."

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