The Notorious Beginning

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Eggman hummed as he cooked on the flat top. The door rang.

"Welcome to Eggman's family diner, please sit down wherever you like, we will be right with you." Orbot called as he cleaned a table into Cubots tray, not turning around.

"So Egghead is making food now, what kind, mind control or poison?" Sonic asked, leaning onto the counter, Eggman turned around and glared at the blue hedgehog.

"All profits go to 'The Station Square Old Robot's Home' can you not read the sign." Eggman snarrled, Tails put a hand on Sonic's shoulder.

"Come on, just sit down." Tails sighed. They got into a booth and started looking over the menu. Orbot sauntered over.

"Coffee?" He asked, he started pouring without a response.

"Uhh, ok." Sonic looked over at Eggman. "Hey, I think your robot needs some adjustment." Sonic called.

"You flipped your mugs open side up." Orbot told. He floated off to attend to someone else. Eggman snorted slightly. After a bit Orbot came back. "What do you want?" Orbot asked, pulling out a small note pad.

"Umm, I'll have the Beebot pancakes with light hashbrowns." Tails ordered, Orbot nodded and wrote this down.

"You?" Orbot snapped to Sonic.

"Umm, the blue blur omelette with extra onion." Sonic said quickly. Orbot floated over and put the order on the rack, smaking it so that the order was in front off Eggman. Eggman grumbled at the loud noise but got to cooking. Cubot, as he passed with dishes, saw Sonics mug almost empty.

"Refill?" Cubot asked, Sonic nodded. Cubot went to pour him a new cup. Instead he just spilt it all over.

"Cubot!" Orbot zoomed over and started to wipe the coffee away. "I said no filling mugs!" Orbot sighed, Eggman tapped a bell. "Hold on a minute!" Orbot called, Eggman tapped it again, glaring at Orbot. Orbot glared back and fished the quick clean up. He rushed over, and came back to Sonic's table, dropping the plates onto it.

"Umm, can I have a refill on my coffee?" Sonic asked, Orbot looked at the mug amazed Cubot managed not to get any in then over at the coffee maker, just starting to make a new batch.

"It will be a minute." Orbot told, he buzzed away to go do something else. Sonic and Tails chattered as they ate.

Orbot came back and poured a cup for Sonic. "So, Orbot, how's the non-lackey life?" Sonic asked.

"Oh it's nice, I get to deal with even ruder people regularly now." Orbot sighed. "Anyways, we still help with Doctor Eggman's hobbies, and Robot building." Orbot expanded.

"Don't give away all my secrets!" Eggman barked to Orbot.

"Aww it's not a secret you're making aid-bots-" Cubot piped in.

"Shut that jaw before I break it off." Eggman snapped, Orbot rolled his eyes and laughed a small bit.

"It won't be a secret soon." Orbot told.

"That is not the point!" Eggman called, Orbot puffed, and went to go tend a table.


Orbot poured a cup of coffee for Sonic. "Your usual boys?" Orbot asked, Tails and Sonic noded. Orbot looked at Knuckles and Amy. "You want?"

"I'll have the rose-cakes with toast." Amy said.

"Smash steaks and eggs." Knuckles exclaimed, Orbot went to the rack, snapped on the order, and smacked it into place. Orbot went back to the table with the rest of the drinks.

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