Across the Land

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Eggman sat up, he looked around, he couldn't tell if it was day or night, the brush around where he had landed to thick to let in light.

"Boy's?" Eggman called, he went to stand and coughed. Suddenly he got a bot at his side.

"Doctor, are you alright?" Orbot asked, a nervousness and a clank in his fans.

"Fine enough, where is the idiot?" Eggman coughed.

"I think he's stuck in a tree above, I can get him later, we took a nasty dive, at least 1000 feet." Orbot said as he backed off Eggman. "Can you stand sir?" Orbot asked as he wiped some dirt from Eggman's shoulder.

"I think so, it'll take a second, where is the Eggmobile?" Eggman said, looking around as he started to stand slowly. Orbot turned on his eyelights and looked around, spotting the Eggmobile.

"She is right over there sir, but I don't think she's going anywhere." Orbot said, Eggman shook his head as he finally got on his feet. With a crunch from his leg and a series of cracks down his back, Eggman looked a little easier but not too much.

"I really have to stop falling from the sky." Eggman sighed.

"The doctor did say to try and keep up your normal routine in retirement." Orbot piped, Eggman looked at the small robot and smiled. He patted him on the head.

"Of course, a good fall keeps you well grounded." Eggman chuckled.

Suddenly Cubot fell from his perch on a branch high above, right into Eggman's arms.

"I'll say." Cubot whined as he made a grating noise as he started to return to function.

Suddenly, a large wind plowed past them, a blue light flashing through the area. They looked in the direction it went until the woods fell silent and dark again.

"I wonder what that was?" Cubot asked.

"A GUN probe," Eggman said, he smirked. "One that lost its touch." Eggman cackled and laughed, until one of his ribs made a crunching crack. "Alright boys, lets pick a direction and start going, we can always get a new Eggmobile but I'm not gonna starve out here." Eggman exclaimed, he walked to the Eggmobile and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder he looked the opposite way Sonic went, and started walking. Orbot and Cubot started following on.

"Sir why don't we call someone?" Orbot asked.

"Foliage is too thick, I doubt we will get reception but you can try." Eggman sighed, Orbot tuned on his communicator and got fuzz, he put it away.

"Maybe if I float up to the tops of the trees?" Orbot said.

"You would use a lot of energy, gotta keep moving." Eggman said, Orbot nodded and the three continued on.


"I think I've passed this tree before, or was it that one, or, shit."


"I spy with my little eye a-"

"Is it a tree dear?" Orbot cut over.

"No, it was a mushroom." Cubot called.

"You both are going to be mush if you don't stop playing that game!" Eggman called, looking back at the two.

"Well what else is going to keep Cubot from running off?" Orbot called.

"Hold his hand or something?" Eggman offered.

"In public?"Orbot gasped, Eggman stopped and turned, he looked tiredly at his robots.

"We are in the middle of a dense forest where I'm sure we are going in circles, do you think anyone is gonna see you two." Eggman dead panned. The blue flash passed again.

"Sonic might." Orbot said thoughtfully, Eggman almost pulled out his mustache but turned around and kept walking.

"Hold his hand or else." Eggman barked, Orbot gritted his fan and grabbed Cubot's hand, rushing off after Eggman.

"Why don't we sing a song or something?" Cubot called, Orbot and Eggman just sighed, and mumbled 'whatevers.' "When I dance, they call me Macarena-"

"NO!" Orbot and Eggman yelled, Cubot huffed and continued to be pulled by Orbot.

The three forged on, and continued to be passed by blue several times.

Suddenly a beeping went off from Orbot. Eggman stopped and turned, looking at the robot.

"That is not the morning alarm." Eggman hissed, Orbot looked up at him and gripped into Cubot's hand tighter.

"You were out for a long while yesterday." Orbot squacked.

Eggman brought a hand to his forehead. Then looked up at the treetops, barely seeing the pink of a new morning poking through.

"We got to get out of here." Eggman called, he started forging on faster. Orbot and Cubot zipped after him.

"Sir, maybe you should rest, we have been going for quite a few hours!" Orbot called, Eggman shook his head and puffed.

"We have to get out, staying still will just make it worse." Eggman growled, Orbot nodded and numbly followed on.

Eventually the midday sun almost broke through the leaves, and it was bright enough to keep track of where they were going. Slowly the forest started to thin and brighten.

"Wow, it is much better here." Orbot said as he stopped having to look out for branches and bushes.

"Yes, we should be in salvation soon enough, you can almost start to smell the sweet smog." Eggman called. "So boys, what shall we do when we get free, eat, no go rob a grocery store, how about- boys." Eggman turned around and saw them gone. "Fuck." Eggman backtracked a bot and saw two forms in the brush. "Really, you two ran out of battery here?"

Eggman looked down at the two, he sighed and picked the two up, one under each arm, and started back up.


Eggman trudged into a clearing, eye's glued to the ground he panted and puffed, he dropped the two robot's in his arms and fell to his knees. On his hands and knees he puffed hard, coughing and sputtering deeply. Suddenly he felt a hand on him.

"Get off me!" Eggman hissed sitting up and looking around. He was surrounded by gun agents and, "What the hell Shadow arrest me but don't try and kill me!"

"No one was supposed to shoot or chase, they were just supposed to bring you here." Shadow said, he pointed off in the distance, the agents split and Eggman looked past them.

"Not a waste of federal funds or anything." Eggman said snidely.

"Oh shut up, it's all for you." Shadow hissed, "Robots and Robotniks free."

Eggman smirked. "Does it have robot charging station?" Eggman asked, standing shakily, picking up Orbot and Cubot with him.

"Of course, it's law." Shadow called, Eggman started walking again, a pep in his step.

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