Sonic Needs Sleep and Other Stories

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"Here have a cup." Cubot said as he poured a cup of coffee for Sonic.

"Thanks...." Sonic growled, he took a drink on slammed his head back to the table. "Uhhg you need to clean the coffee maker."

"We just did." Orbot said as he started another pot of Coffee. Cubot came back and put down the pot. Orbot looked at it, his attention immediately snapped to Sonic who just finished his cup completely. "You-" Orbot dropped the pot he was holding, which shattered. "WE'RE GONNA BE SHUT DOWN!"

"What ever." Sonic slammed his face into the table, he held up the cup. "Refill, please."

"YOU DON'T NEED COFFEE YOU NEED YOUR STOMACH PUMPED, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH LEAD IS IN ROBOT OIL!?" Orbot screamed, he rushed over and grabbed Sonic's arm, starting to take his pulse. Sonic groaned.

"I just need caffeine, I have to build a crib to night and I've been painting for three days straight." Sonic said in a garbled tone.

"Lead poisoning can be deadly in the amounts you just consumed! You could lose memories, you could develop mental disabilities-"

Sonic slapped his free hand on Orbot's face shutting him up.

"Need... caffeine...." Sonic said, channeling dark forces in his voice.

"You need medical attention and to-" Orbot pulled a piece of paper from onion space. "To sign this waver that um... I administered a form of first aid."

"Give me caffeine first." Sonic said sitting up.

"Fine, Cubot!" Orbot snapped his finger. "Bring a cup of coffee over, now." Orbot commanded.

"Jeez, don't get snappy with me, I haven't done anything to annoy you in two days!" Cubot called, he did however come over with that cup of coffee anyways. Sonic took a sip, and felt the sweet relief of addiction and quickly pulled out a pen and signed the paper, he then actually read it.

"What, this is a waver saying I agreed to eat robot food, I never agreed to drinking the oil." Sonic called.

Orbot rolled up the form, and smirked a little. "Not what this says, hedgehog." He put the form back in onion space and floated away. Suddenly, Eggman burst in the front door.

"I have the new shipment of metals." Eggman called, he pulled in the dollie, and puffed a bit as he dragged it through the restaurant and behind the counter.

"Sir you need to stop, your not supposed to be doing anything laboring!" Orbot called, he sprinted to Eggman's side, and gently pulled his arm, Eggman finally stopped the work, and let himself be dragged to a chair by Orbot.

"Alright, stock up the metal." Eggman hissed to Orbot, Orbot nodded and moved to the crates. He started to unstack them, and sort them by type. He started to open the up and look through the contents.

Orbot screamed.

Cubot rushed to his side and held onto him, he looked into the rates, then slowly moved Orbot away.

"Hey it's ok, it's just a one time thing, it's ok." Cubot cooed, Orbot shuttered a bit, and looked completely distraught.

"He-he," Eggman stood and walked over, he looked in the crate.

"Dear lord," Eggman grumbled, he knelt down, and pulled a partial assembly of a decommissioned robot out of the crate. "How could they sell me such product for consumption, how could they-" Eggman dropped the assembly and stood, looking pale and disgruntled. "I'm returning this, I'm-" Eggman looked at the assembly. "I gotta fix- I can't just." Eggman knelt back down next to the crate, he picked up the assembly and started to frantickly tinker with it. Cubot pulled a hand off of Orbot and put it on Eggman's shoulder.

"It's ok, boss." Cubot said.

Sonic got up to leave, after leaving his bill and a healthy tip, as he left he flipped the sign to closed.


Eggman sat in his chair, breathing a bit to hard. He was alone. Sonic burst in followed by Tails. Eggman jumped a bit at the noise and gasped hard, he started to cough.

"Worked up, egghead?" Sonic sneared, Eggman coughed and rolled his eyes, he struggled up straight, then stood up weakly.

"What do you want, rat?" Eggman hissed, he grabbed a form for ordering.

"Our usual." Sonic called.

"It's been like nine months, the two tailed one hasn't been here since the first day, and you just eat that awful omelette." Eggman snapped.

"Bee little platter." Tails said, seeing the special.

"Dr. Robotnik's mean bean soup." Sonic said, seeing the soup of the day.

"There, see, variety is the spice of life." Eggman called as he stomped to go assemble the order. He was uncharacteristically slow at the food but Sonic and Tails didn't seem to notice until two shaky hands put down two plates of food.

"You ok, we didn't scare you that bad did we?" Sonic smirked at Eggman, who glared at him.

"I'm fine, hedgehog." Eggman sneered, Sonic rolled his eyes.

"You know, you don't have to be all defensive all the time. Seriously are you ok, you look terrible and pale, you never look this bad." Sonic barked.

"Sonic leave him alone, he's fine-"

"Just because a man can't breath right doesn't mean that you can just call him out on his looks, what about when you- when you-" Eggman sat back down on his chair as he wheezed, and started to breath harder. Sonic and Tails both stood and started panicking.

"Dude what's wrong!" Sonic yelled.

"Uhh, where is Orbot he knows what to do!" Tails called.

Eggman leaned down, and feebly pulled out a tank, he as quick as he could hooked himself up to the oxygen, and took a few deep breaths the best he could without coughing.

"I'm fine, you two can eat, and don't tell Orbot about this I'll never hear the end of it!" Eggman called, starting to gain himself back a little.

"Don't tell him, what could we tell him, what just happened!" Sonic called, Tails sat back down but didn't eat.

"Just my heart, it's no big deal, just need more oxygen in my blood!" Eggman yelled back.

"YEah and where is Orbot and Cubot anyways!" Sonic leaned closer to Eggman.

"They have to deal with some school stuff and their kid they will be back later, just eat my food or get out and stop nagging me!" Eggman yelled.

"Alright!" Sonic screamed, he sat down and started to eat his soup. "This is really greasy and tastes like floor cleaner!" Sonic yelled.

"What do you think mean beans taste like! Onions!" Eggman caterwauled loudly.

"I don't know, beans!" Sonic shouted.

"You two are ridiculous." Tails groaned as he started to eat; the two bitter frenemies yelled at each other.

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