We Never Got To Say Goodbye

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Este POV

I woke up early and walked into the kitchen, mom was already up making pancakes for breakfast, I sighed when I noticed the wrapped birthday presents sitting at the end of the table, today was Danielle's seventeenth birthday,

"Why do you put yourself through this every year Mom?" I gently asked her as I went over and hugged her, "Danielle is not here anymore you have to stop torturing yourself."

"Don't you speak about your sister like that Este Ariel Haim." Donna said starting to get emotional,

"Mom please. It's been nine years. Danielle is gone. Even the police have stopped searching for her." Este said trying to make her Mom face reality,

"My baby girl is still out there and she will return home one day and we will continue to celebrate her birthday every year." Donna said breaking down in tears.

Flashback nine years ago

Six year old Alana Haim wakes suddenly and can feel a cold draft in her room, she lies still and tries to work out what woke her up, a muffled scream from Danielle's bed causes her to abruptly sit up, she looks over and after her eyes have adjusted sees a large dark figure carrying her struggling sister out their bedroom window, she climbs out of bed and looks out the window into the darkness but the figure and her sister have disappeared into the night, she walks down to her parents bedroom,

"Daddy, Daddy." She said reaching out to touch her father's shoulder, Moti Haim switches the bedside lamp on,

"What is it baby girl, you have another bad dream?" He asks her,

"No but the bogey monster came into our room and took Danielle." She tells him, both Moti and Donna are wide awake now,

"What do you mean Alana?" Donna asks,

"The bogey man he climbed through our window and carried Danielle outside." Alana tells them, Moti grabs Alana and they all rush down to the girls bedroom switching the light on,

"Danielle." Donna yells when she sees Danielle's bed empty, she rushes to the window, "DANIELLE."

So I've had this idea for a while now so I thought I'd post this first short chapter and see if anyone would be interested in reading any more of the story. I've also decided it's going to be an Este POV story :) Ok would love to hear your thoughts xxx

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