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Jaehye's pov
days passed by so quickly and it was already the week that Daniel might be coming to visit. i still regret not rejecting his visit till now.

it was a monday morning and i got ready for school. my finals were coming in 3 months time. i started staying up late at night to catch up on what my teacher was teaching in class. i'm sleepy every morning but my brother will always prepare me coffee to wake me up. as usual , i went downstairs in my school uniform and sat at the dining table where my brother was. " good morning oppa." i said yawning. "good morning Jaehye. eyy look at your eye bags. so big and black. u look like a panda already. its okay to sleep early for a few days. sleeping late isnt good for your health. here have some coffee." Jaebum told me while handing me a cup of coffee. "oppa, don't you do the same? Jihoon oppa told me as idols , you guys get very little sleep too. i'm just learning from my own brother." i said taking a sip of the coffee."yah! you!" Jaebum wanted to pinch me but i placed my coffee down on the table covering my mouth. i immediately ran to the toliet and vomited.

"Jaehye-ah? gwanchaena? are you vomiting? is it because of the coffee?" Jaebum knocked on the door asking me. i opened the door and looked at my brother. after that , it was total darkness.

Jaebum's pov
Jaehye rushed to the bathroom after drinking the coffee i made. i tried to hear wat was going on in the bathroom and i heard her vomiting. i knocked on the door asking "Jaehye-ah? gwanchaena? are you vomiting? is it because of the coffee?" after a moment of silence, she flushed the toliet and opened the door. she looked really pale after vomiting. she looked at me and fainted. " JAEHYE!! WAKE UP!! CAN YOU HEAR ME??" i pat her face and her touched forehead to realise she was having a fever. she always faints whenever she has a fever ever since young. i carried her up to her bedroom and placed her down on her bed. i rushed back downstairs and got a piece of handkerchief with a pail of cold water. i placed the cold handkerchief on her forehead and went back downstairs to cook some porridge.

Jaehye's pov
when i opened my eyes , i saw that i was in my bedroom. i sat up and tried to get off the bed but fell back on the bed instead. i felt pain in my head and looked around the room to realise everything looks like its floating. my brother entered the room with a bowl of porridge and placed it on my side table. "Jaehye , your awake? you fainted just now and i realised you had a fever. i will write a letter to excuse yourself for today and tomorrow. you shall stay home and rest. no buts." my brother told me without letting me speak. he fed me the porridge that i didn't feel like eating at all. great. now im going to miss lessons because of my stupid brother.

hours passed and i got bored. i was forced to stay home because my brother wouldn't let me out. i checked my phone to see that there are messages from my only friend , Chungyeon asking why am i not in school and all other nonsense. i replied saying i vomited and i am having a fever right now. Chungyeon told me to rest well and sent me the notes my teacher went through today. i'm really thankful for having a friend like Chungyeon because she knows how much i really wanted to do well in my finals.

i went to my study room and took out all of my necessary textbooks and papers to copy down the notes. a day passed by so quickly and i was feeling better already. i just felt a bit nauseous thats all but maybe it will all go away after tomorrow.


A/N : thank you for reading this book!! i can't believed it has exceeded over 50 views! yes i know its very little to some of you but to me it means alot. please vote:(: and check out my other book as well! its about you being in a group living with wanna one:)

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