Ch. 7

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The roar of Harleys brought everyone who had been waiting inside the clubhouse out into the lot. The club had just returned from the run to Tacoma and as per old lady protocol, Gemma insisted Lana be there. Despite Lana simply having a casual yet exclusive relationship with Happy and Kozik, the queen was bound and determined to marry her off to at least one Son it would seem. She sat on top of one of the picnic tables as she watched all the guys pull their bikes into their usual spots and she grinned when both her boys started towards her, Kozik grinning and Happy glaring, their usual expressions.

Hopping down from the table she wrapped her arms around Kozik's neck as he was the first to reach her. He kissed her on the lips, squeezing her ass at the same time. It felt good to have his arms around her again, even if he was taking the opportunity to feel her up like he was a horny teenager. She loved his playful personality though and she lightly slapped him in the arm as he pulled away and then looked at Happy who was waiting patiently, still glaring.

"Hey killer." She smirked moving over to him, her hands sliding up his chest under his cut. His arms went around her and she nuzzled his neck, kissing his throat. She loved how he smelled, like sunshine, the open road, and leather with just a hint of tobacco all mixed up with just the simply masculine scent of his skin.

She hadn't realized how much she had actually missed either of them until this point. She felt like she had a special connection to each of them. Her chemistry with Kozik was more carefree with a very relaxed and casual dynamic, but there was definitely a strong sexual attraction there as well. She certainly felt like she could be more intimate with Happy though sometimes, despite his quiet and somewhat closed off nature. Or maybe it was because of that nature that made her feel special that he seemed to not hold back with her, wasn't afraid to open up. Sure he wasn't the emotional, romantic 'I love you' type and she didn't ever see him being that way, nor did she want him to be, but he definitely seemed closer when it was just the two of them.

She definitely felt herself falling and was suddenly worried. She knew it was no easy feat to get a Son to settle down, let alone two. She didn't know what either of them wanted long term, if they wanted things to become more serious or stay as they were, or if they would become bored with her after a few more months. Fucking Gemma. The persistent bitch was fucking with her head, planting thoughts to make her heart dream up things that she knew were no good for anybody. Meddling bitch. She knew she meant well though and had to love her for it.

"Did you guys behave?" Lana asked, her morbid curiosity getting the best of her when she recalled her previous conversation with Gemma.

"Why would we do that? Behaving is no fun." Kozik said bending to kiss her neck.

She pushed him away slightly and looked up at him. "No, I mean the whole 'what happens on run…' thing."

She glanced between the two of them when she didn't get an answer right away. She could've sworn Happy's glare hardened for a split second, but he wasn't looking at anyone and didn't say anything so she decided not to read into it too much. She looked back at Kozik, who by then was grinning again.

"Of course we did."

"I know we didn't talk about that before, but I was thinking about it and I know this whole thing isn't that serious, but…" She hesitated, worrying her lower lip between her teeth. "I dunno, I guess I just, I don't want any fucking around." Her expression changed from hesitant to playful, matching Kozik's. "I'm starting to feel kinda possessive." She joked, although she wasn't joking.

"You're possessive?" Koz laughed. "Do you have any idea how dead any guy that had the balls to touch you would be?"

Lana laughed and turned to walk into the clubhouse to join everyone else. Before she got far though she felt Koz pull her back by the shoulders. He leaned down so his mouth was right by her ear and he lowered his voice. "I mean it Lana." He warned, his previously playful attitude gone now.

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