Ch. 23

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Lana spent the night sitting in the uncomfortable chair next to Kozik’s bed in the ICU. Gemma’s efforts to get her to go home and sleep were useless. Happy had no clue how to comfort her and felt awkward at even the thought of trying to do so. He needed to take action and deal with this shit so he had taken off back to the clubhouse with the rest of the club so they could decide on their next move.

Lana had finally passed out in that same chair, resting awkwardly on the bed, hand holding onto Kozik’s arm. Gemma walked into the room the next morning. She had finally given up and went home around one in the morning, needing some sleep herself.

“Lana.” She said gently, her hand on Lana’s shoulder. Lana didn’t respond. “Lana.” She said more firmly.

Lana jumped and sat up suddenly, her eyes going straight to Kozik.

“You want some coffee baby?” Gemma asked, holding out the cup in her hand.

Yawning, Lana rubbed her hands over her face. “No.”

“You gotta eat or drink something.”

“I’m fine Gemma.” She snapped.

Gemma sighed. “Happy and the guys are heading out in a little while.”

“What?” Lana turned towards the other woman with a furrowed brow.

“Rival MC, same guys that were giving Tacoma trouble. That’s who’s responsible for this shit. They’re heading up to deal with it. Retaliation.”

She wanted to cry, but the tears weren’t coming. Hap couldn’t leave her now. She needed him, but she didn’t know how to tell him. She knew he was pissed and needed to do something about this and if she cried and said she needed him, it would only piss him off more and chase him further away.

“Fine. Fuck him. Fuck all of them.” It was her emotions talking, they both knew it.

Gemma sighed again and set the cup of coffee down next to Lana. She turned and walked out the door, on her way back to her car.

Pulling up to the clubhouse ten minutes later, she walked inside and went directly to Happy’s room. The killer was packing some stuff for the run to Tacoma. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing leaving your girl alone to go through this shit by herself?”

“I need to handle this shit Gemma. I ain’t doing her any good here.”

“Have someone else handle the bloodshed. Your old lady needs you here, whether you wanna deal with it or not.” She wanted to tell him Lana was pregnant, knowing it would change everything, but it wasn’t her place.

Happy stopped before walking out of the room. “Club comes first.” He said, ending the conversation.


How could they leave her all alone? She wanted to hate them both. Happy for taking off, for putting the club before her yet again. And Kozik so she wouldn’t be going through this hell right now. But she couldn’t. She loved them both and she couldn’t change it.

It had been over a week since Happy had left. Gemma and Lyla had combined forces trying to urge her away from Kozik, succeeding in getting her to at least go home and shower a few times and getting her to eat a little occasionally, but she mostly just sat there in Kozik’s room hoping he would wake up. He was stable, but other than that there’d been no change.

Meanwhile Happy was making progress in Tacoma. He’d pushed all his problems to the back of his mind, distracting himself from his thoughts by killing. He was bound and determined to kill every last one of the fuckers and end the shit with them for good.

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