Ch. 31

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“Oh god!” Lana had been back in Charming for a few days and decided tonight would be a great night to have a girl’s night. Now, after dancing and a few too many drinks, both she and Lyla were fairly drunk and laughing about some guys that had tried to make a move on them.

Lyla lit a cigarette as they waited for the guys to come and pick them up. Happy had been insistent upon dropping Lana off so he would know exactly where she was at and since she knew she’d be drinking and unable to drive anyway, she hadn’t argued the point.

“Did you see his face when he realized why you seemed so familiar?!” Lana asked Lyla and the two girls burst out into another fit of laughter, making it a few moments before Lana was finally able to catch her breath. “God, I needed this night. Two men at home are so suffocating sometimes.”

“And they don’t even officially live there… yet.” Lyla shot her a sideways grin. “When’s that gonna happen by the way? When are you gonna marry one of them?” It was a tease that held genuine curiosity.

Lana gave her a painfully exasperated look and they started laughing again. “That kinda talk is just cruel, you bitch.” Lana said between laughs.

They heard the sound of motorcycles a few minutes later and, assuming it was their old men, pushed away from the wall they’d been leaning against. But it wasn't any Son that rounded the corner, though they were wearing leather kuttes. The two moving mountains called men obviously weren't the club friendly kind. One shoved Lyla back into the wall, turning her arm painfully to inspect the crow on her shoulder while the other pinned a struggling Lana against the wall in order to see the crow and name “Kozik” peeking out from under her shorts.

“Need you to deliver a message to Jax.” He sneered. “Tell him the Sons better back off or we’ll take out every SAMCRO family member we can get to. Starting with you two.” Lana flinched at the smell that assaulted her. Half the guy’s teeth must be rotting away. Thankfully, the familiar sound of two more bikes were heard, prompting the men to give each woman a forceful shove before leaving to their own bikes.

Opie and Happy pulled up a couple seconds later, Lyla sliding to the ground with Lana still backed against the wall. “What the fuck happened to you two? You that drunk?” Opie asked with amusement and a hint of confusion clear in his voice. He could tell something was off, but wasn’t sure what.

Happy just stared at Lana, who was visibly shaken. “A couple guys threatening SAMCRO families. Wanted me to pass the message along to Jax. They were wearing kuttes, but I didn’t get a good enough look to see who they were.”

“Shit!” Opie hissed, getting off his bike to help Lyla up.

“We know who they are. Get on the fuckin bike, Lana.” Happy ordered gruffly, pulling his phone out and sending a text to Jax.

By the time they got back to the clubhouse all the other guys’ bikes were parked in the lot. Lana and Lyla followed Happy and Ope inside and Lana was immediately intercepted by Kozik.

“Are you ok?” He asked, pulling her into his arms.

“I’m fine.” She said as she leaned into him. She loved Happy, but he wasn’t always that great about being sympathetic or comforting. All he’d known in that moment was he was pissed that his woman had been threatened and with him, anger always won out over anything else.

Just as Lana started to relax, Kozik pulled away. “We got church. Gotta handle this shit. Just stay here, we shouldn’t be too long.” He kissed her on the forehead and turned toward the chapel.

“Lana said they were wearing kuttes.” Opie said once the doors were closed. They all exchanged looks knowing it was the same rival MC they’d been dealing with in Tacoma. They had one charter left in Lodi that had never caused much trouble for SAMCRO, but now that their other charter had been wiped out, they were pissed and looking to retaliate.

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