Ch. 21

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A knock on the door stopped Lana’s search for her keys. She’d been ready to leave to go meet up with Lyla when she realized she didn’t know where they were.

She threw her bag down and went to open the door. A tall blonde woman in a suit stood there. She had fed written all over her. Lana leaned against the door and waited for her to speak, making it clear she already didn’t like her.

“Lana Hunter?”

“Yeah. Who are you?”

The blonde flashed a fake smile at her. “Agent Stahl, ATF.” She stuck her hand out, but lowered it when Lana just stared at her, refusing to shake it. This was the same bitch responsible for Donna’s death.  “I was wondering if I could come in. I’m leading an investigation on the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club and I was wondering if you could answer some questions regarding your connection them.”

Lana’s heart beat sped up slightly. She didn’t know all the details of the club’s outlaw activities, but she did know they were into gun running. She hadn’t been aware of the fact that the ATF was still investigating them though. She usually stayed out of club business. She didn’t ask questions and no one offered information unless it directly affected her.

She didn’t want to give away her sudden concern, so she raised her hand to her hip. “Why is the ATF investigating the club?” She asked, making it seem like the idea was ludicrous.

Stahl was clearly amused by her question. “We have reason to believe they’re involved in an illegal gun running operation.”

“Well they’re not.”

“Well Miss Hunter, we have reason to believe they may be, so until we have reason to believe they aren’t, they are under investigation. As part of that investigation and a recent missing person case, I would really appreciate your cooperation in answering some questions.” Stahl said.

Lana hesitated and then swung the door open, standing out of the way. Stahl forced another smile and stepped inside. Lana led her to the living room and sat down as Stahl followed.

“Forgive me, but I’m a little confused. As was necessary to my investigation, I’ve had to do a little digging on the people directly associated with the Sons and you are one of those people. You have a great education, a great job, no record, not so much a traffic ticket for the last four years. Why are you involved with them?”

Lana smirked and looked the blonde directly in the eye. “The sex is amazing.”

Stahl returned her smirk. “I bet… considering you’re involved with two of them, correct? Happy Lowman and Herman Kozik, if I’m not mistaken.” Her eyes fell on the crow tattooed on Lana’s thigh.

“I know you claimed that they aren’t involved in any gun running, to your knowledge, but are you aware of any other illegal activities that they may be involved in?” Stahl continued.

“They’re not involved in anything illegal.” They both knew it was a blatant lie, but Lana knew the bitch had nothing on them.

“Right.” Stahl said, impressed with Lana’s confidence. “Do you know of a man by the name of Georgie Caruso? Big time porn producer. Rival to Luanne Delaney who’s a partner in the porn business with the MC.”

“Yeah, I know who Luanne is. Heard Georgie’s name a few times, never met him.” Lana said, trying to stay as close to the truth as possible.

“What have you heard about him?” Stahl said narrowing her eyes at Lana.

Lana shrugged her shoulders. “Just what you said: Luanne’s competition. A real douche. Not much else.”

“So you never heard anything about him or his guys harassing the girls that work for Luanne?”

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