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Ok, my dears. This is it. The last chapter. Enjoy!

Members from various charters had come to SAMCRO's aid. Kutte-less and under the cover of darkness, the mass number of sons had taken great measure to have no connection and no identification to the crime. Younger members, prospects and a few old timers had stayed behind at the clubhouse in what would appear to be a packed clubhouse party. Without proof otherwise any member questioned could easily give the alibi of being among the mass gathering. The table members of SAMCRO had been put in charge of the four subgroups spread out, all ready to follow through in a simultaneous and systematic attack on what was left of the rival club. After weeks of surveillance and planning, tonight would be the night SAMCRO became free of their little pests.

“Is everyone in position and ready?” Jax whispered into his phone, Opie on the other end. His VP was in position, ready to give the signal to the others on his command.

“We’re all good, brother.” Opie answered, looking around at all his guys.

“Ok, count of three. 1…2-“

Suddenly, shots were heard and all hell broke loose. The place exploded in gunfire, Sons storming the place and killing every piece of filth they saw. After what seemed like hours, but in reality had only been minutes, the chaos came to sudden stop and the Sons stood throughout various rooms of the house. It was done.

Jax looked down the hallway toward the back of the house, not sure if he was really hearing what he thought he was. He pushed Juice out of the way and headed for the sound. Happy stood in the doorway silent and looking conflicted. The emotion looked so out of place on the killer, who had such a black-and-white view of the world.

Though he had prepared himself for the worse, Jax still wasn't ready for the shock of what awaited in the room. Emaciated, a woman lay dead on the floor, the blossom of crimson between her breasts matched the small lesions on her face. Recognizing the signs, he couldn't say he was surprised to find the infected and inflamed veins on her left arm. The tourniquet still on her bicep and the syringe near her limp right hand, it was clear to see she was shooting up when shit had gone down. 

What did shake him, however, was the little whimper coming from the crib in the corner that soon began to escalate into a full on cry. Kozik, remembering seeing Jax take care of Abel and Thomas, picked up the baby and began to shush it. The kid couldn't be much more than a few months old. 

Kozik managed to quiet him down some, then looked at the other guys in the room and shook his head. “What the fuck happened?” Jax asked, looking at Happy and Kozik. They’d been positioned at the back of the house where the first shots had been fired.

"Fucker saw us." Happy nodded to the body of a member outside the door. "He took the first shot, then ran like a bitch." For a man that lived, died, and killed for his family, that dug at Hap in a bad way. Whether his kid or a brother’s, that fucker should have died trying to protect him, not leave him on his own unprotected. 

Jax sighed as he ran his gloved hands over his face. This shit was something he did not see coming. Bitch had to be a dedicated junkie to not ever leave the house in the weeks they had been watching it. Obviously not much of that time had gone to the neglected child in Kozik's arms, finally quiet. 

 “What do we do about that?” The killer asked, motioning to the baby.

Jax sighed again. 

“Can’t leave him here. We need at least a few weeks." Kozik reminded. The plan was to clean up all evidence and get rid of the bodies. It would take at least a week before anyone actually came around and by that time, when the sons would eventually be questioned, they would simply say that they had come to an agreement that the newer club would leave and they of course, all being at the clubhouse and on lock down the subsequent days, couldn't have had anything to do with the disappearances. 

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