Ch. 8

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Lana was awoken the next morning around eight o' clock by a pounding on her front door. She tried to ignore it until her phone started ringing a few minutes later. She glanced at the screen once the pounding had stopped and saw it was Kozik so she hit the ignore button. She was still mad as hell and wasn't going to talk to him right now, let alone get up early on her day off to let him in her house.

The pounding started again after she ignored the second call. She pulled a pillow over her head in frustration until it stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief and then heard her phone beep with a text message a moment later.

I'm not leaving until you open the door.

She almost threw the phone across the room at that, but decided she didn't need a broken phone right now.

Fuck you.She replied.

The pounding started again and she spent the next few minutes trying to ignore it until she finally couldn't take it anymore. She rolled out of her bed in just a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top and calmly walked out of her room to the door. She pulled it open just enough to look out and tell him to fuck off.

"Well it looks like Hap kicked your ass." She said emotionlessly. "Good." She sneered.

He looked like shit. Happy obviously hadn't taken his rings off for the beat down she'd known he was going to dish out. Kozik had cuts and scrapes all over, he had a black eye that she was surprised wasn't swollen shut. His lip was split and he had various bruises. She looked down at his hands to see his knuckles were bruised and cut up as well. He'd fought back. She only hoped he'd gotten worse then he gave.

"Why the fuck are you here so early?" She asked leaning against the door frame and holding the door shut as much as possible. Fuck if she was going to let him in her house.

"I couldn't sleep. Lana I'm sorry." He said desperately, stepping towards her.

She backed away and slapped his hand away from her. Her expression turned dark. "No you're not. You're only fuckin sorry you got caught."

She went to slam the door shut, but he stopped it and pushed his way inside.

"Get the fuck out." She said slowly, dangerously.

"No." He refused. "Not until you give me a chance to apologize."

She laughed. "You just did apologize. You can stand out there and fuckin apologize until you're blue in the face. I don't give a shit. Doesn't change anything."

He stood there for minute just staring at her. He didn't have the first clue how to make her listen to him so he just did the first thing that came to mind and grabbed her by the arms, pulling her to him. He crashed his lips to hers and backed her up against the wall, his hands roaming up her sides and under her shirt.

Lana pushed at his chest initially, before losing herself in the kiss momentarily. Her brain screamed at her to get away from him, but her body betrayed her and gave in to him. She melted into his kiss before coming to her senses again after a moment and weakly hitting his chest with her fist.

Suddenly he was pulled away from her and she looked up to see a very pissed off Happy holding onto the back of his cut. "What the fuck are you doing?" Happy yelled, making her jump. She didn't think she'd ever heard Happy yell. He was all about quiet threats. That's all he'd ever needed to make any point.

"I'm just trying to make it right." Kozik said back angrily, pissed that Happy had interrupted.

"No." Happy said with finality. "You fucked up. You're done. Stay the fuck away from her unless you want another black eye." He pushed Kozik toward the door.

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