OneShot 1

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Juice had hacked into the necessary systems and created records that Lana had adopted a baby boy which she had named Rylan Noah Hunter. They had given him her last name and had listed her as the only parent since anyone would know that no adoption agency in their right mind would adopt to Happy or Kozik, two convicted felons, one with a history of violence and the other an ex-junkie, both of which were associated with a criminal organization.

Once the records had been created, they had Lowen, the club's lawyer, draw up papers listing both Hap and Kozik as legal guardians, giving them both any and all parental rights, including custody should anything happen to Lana.

Gemma had carefully masked her eagerness to have another baby around to treat as her own grandchild by her usually calm, cool, collected badass bitch persona, but she hadn't wasted much time buying any and all necessary baby items and helping turn the extra room in Lana's house into a nursery.

With the queen's direction and the help of the prospects, it was done in less than two days. Kozik finally put his foot down and insisted Lana get a new car or he wouldn't give her a choice in the matter. Knowing she needed something more reliable now that it wasn't just her driving around in it, she caved and a new Chevy Suburban now sat in the driveway.

Both men had cleared out their dorm rooms in the clubhouse as well and moved into her house. They'd all decided this was permanent so there was no reason for them to continue to stay at the clubhouse.

With what Tara had guessed was a three month old baby and all the major changes in the last couple days, Lana was exhausted. She had collapsed on the bed at three in the morning after yet another nighttime feeding which she'd only been half awake for. Waking up to her sprawled out, face down in the pillows wearing one of his T-shirts and a pair of boyshorts, Kozik pulled the blanket up and wrapped an arm around her.

A few hours later, the beginning of a cry sounded from down the hall, waking Happy. He glanced over to see Lana curled up against Kozik's side, head on his chest and dead to the world. Happy didn't usually sleep in very late and he knew his girl was tired. No way was he going to wake her. She'd been up for hours with the kid the night before and he'd agreed to support her in this.

Getting up, he threw on a pair of boxers and made his way down the hall, just as the whimpering and soft cries grew louder. Happy moved to the crib and reached in, picking the baby up. He started to gently bounce the tiny human like he'd seen Lana do, but felt awkward at first. He'd only held the kid a few times so far and wasn't sure what to do with it.

Lana gasped as she woke suddenly at the sound of a baby crying and sat up. Kozik was next to her, still asleep, but that didn't surprise her. He was a heavy sleeper. Happy, however, was the opposite. A door creaking from the other side of the house would wake him. The quieting of the sudden crying and his absence in the warm spot of the bed next to her confirmed her guess that he'd heard it and woken first.

Sure that he wouldn't have the first clue what to do, she quietly made her way down the hall and looked into the nursery, seeing him standing there holding the baby to his chest. A soft smile formed on her lips seeing the baby so calm that he was almost falling asleep again.

Happy sensed her presence and turned. "I was gonna let you sleep." He rasped quietly.

Her smile grew. "Do you even know what you're doing?" She asked.

He looked down at the baby resting comfortably, supported by his muscled arms. His eyes were beginning to close as he sucked his thumb and Happy looked back at Lana.

"Guess so." She answered her own question.

Just as she spoke, another whimper escaped the baby's mouth. "He's hungry. Sit." Lana said, pointing to the rocking chair. "I'll be back in a minute."

Happy sat down, baby still held against his chest and his hand rubbing slow circles on his back, while Lana went to prepare a bottle. She came back a few minutes later and handed it to Happy. Taking the baby, she laid him on the changing table to put a fresh diaper on him, then she turned when she was done.

Hap still sat in the rocking chair holding the bottle. He held her gaze and she didn't even need him to say it. She handed the baby to him and watched as he cradled him in one arm, holding the bottle with the other. She realized he must have been watching her the last couple days because he suddenly seemed so at ease, even once the bottle was gone and he shifted the baby to his shoulder and patted his back to burp him. He'd either been paying more attention than she thought or it was just instinct. Instinct that even she wouldn't have thought the Tacoma killer had.

The sight of her old man sitting there in that chair with her son lying on his chest, so content and now asleep, melted her heart. She moved over to him and leaned down to kiss him. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her down to sit on his knee. She rested her head on his shoulder as she looked at the baby, softly running her hand over the back of his head.

She reached up and placed a kiss on Hap's neck. "Guess you're not the cold-hearted killer everyone thinks you are." She whispered, her face buried in the crook of his neck.

"Just don't tell anyone… Bitch." He growled quietly, tightening his arm around her.

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