Ch. 19

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Lana walked out into the bar to have multiple people turn and stare at her. She knew she hadn’t been quiet, but she didn’t care. She simply shook her head and headed to the kitchen. As she twisted the top off a bottle of water, Luanne walked into the small room and grinned at her.

“Well that sounded like fun.” The blonde porn queen said.

Lana couldn’t help but smile. “You could say that.”

“Sounds like it’d make a great movie. Two sexy bikers and a nurse?” Luanne suggested pitching her sudden idea for a new movie.

Lana’s smile dropped for a second. “Are you suggesting the three of us make a movie for you?”

“Yeah, why not?”

Lana thought for a moment, but before she could speak Happy walked into the room. “Because I say no. Absolutely not.”

Lana looked at him, suddenly disappointed.


“No Lana! I don’t want the whole fucking world watching my girl get fucked.”

Lana sighed. “You’re no fun.” She pouted.

A suggestive grin spread across Happy’s face. “I think you know exactly just how much fun I can be.” He said, kissing her on the forehead right before she pushed him away, laughing.


A week and a half and the club had still had no luck in finding Georgie. They’d had hints here and there and had even come close enough to catch up to one of his guys, the one who had hit Lyla. Opie had had the pleasure of offing the asshole.

Happy and Kozik were growing more and more impatient waiting for their turn to defend their old lady’s honor, however. And said old lady was losing her damn mind.

 “Please baby.” Lana whined one day. “Just a quick ride.” She pouted as she placed her hands on Kozik’s shoulders from behind. She had to get out of the clubhouse and was trying to convince him to take her for a ride. “It’s not like I’m asking to go out on my own. I would just like to see the fucking light of day for God’s sake!” She threw her hands up in frustration.

“You don’t get it, do you Lana?” He turned and got in her face, suddenly pissed for a reason she didn’t understand. She would’ve expected Happy to react like this, but not Kozik. The reason why she had gone to him in the first place. “This is exactly what happened with Olivia. She couldn’t stand being stuck in the clubhouse. She begged me to take her somewhere and I gave in. And she died!” He yelled, staring at her for moment, letting it all sink in and then he looked away and turned. He lowered his voice as he spoke again. “I’m not gonna lose you too.”

His words hit her like a ton of bricks and she watched him, only able to see the side of his face. She could feel the emotion rolling off of him and suddenly felt horrible. “Ok. Ok, I’m sorry. I’ll let it go.” She whispered, wrapping her arms around him from behind.


Lana crossed the lot towards the TM office. Gemma was out there and Lana needed to find something to do, so she decided to see if Gemma needed help with anything. The guys were gone and Opie had allowed Lyla to go out for a little while as long as she took a couple of the prospects. Unfortunately neither Happy or Kozik were being as lenient.

“Hey Gem.” Lana said as she stepped into the office.

“Hey baby.” Gemma smiled at her.

“Do you need any help in here? I’m gonna seriously hurt someone if I don’t find something to keep me busy.” She plopped down on the couch.

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