OneShot 2

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So far Lana had only met Happy’s mother the one time she’d come with him to Bakersfield. Sofia was the definition of tough love when it came to her son, but she had been very kind to Lana, immediately knowing she was ‘just the kind of woman that could handle Hap and all his shit.’ Her exact words.

Despite the woman’s immediate liking to Lana and Lana’s certainty she would love the idea of a grandchild, she couldn’t help the anxiety she felt as she walked up to the door, Rylan asleep in her arms. Happy had insisted since she was the one who had wanted the kid so bad, she would be the one to break the news to his mother. She knew he was really as nervous as she was about how his mother would react to the sudden news.

Lana had gone over and over in her head how to answer the questions she was sure Sofia would have. She decided she would simply tell the truth. There was no doubt Sofia knew the kind of things Happy was involved with and if anyone could be trusted to keep club secrets, it was the woman who had raised the Tacoma killer.

Happy looked at Lana and knocked on the door. She took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in throat when it opened, thankful the older woman was so happy to see her son that she took no notice of her at first. When she pulled away from the hug she had pulled Happy into, her deep brown eyes landed on Lana and then the child she held. Her bright smile faded and her eyes widened, looking to Lana and then Happy for answers. Happy simply nodded his head at Lana to indicate she was the one to answer them.

Sofia stepped aside to allow Happy, Lana, and Kozik inside. “Well, is someone going to explain?” She asked once they were all seated in the living room she had led them to.

Lana took another deep breath and released it. “You have a grandson?” Lana asked more than announced.

Sofia lifted her eyebrows. “And I’m just finding out now?”

“Adopted. Just last week. It was unplanned.” Lana explained so the woman would know it wasn’t something they had tried to keep from her.

Sofia looked from Lana to Happy to Kozik, knowing the circumstances of their relationship. Then she leaned over to see the baby closer. Seeing his lighter hair color and fair skin she looked back at Lana, then Kozik. “So who is the father supposed to be?”

Lana could tell the woman was pleased with the news, but hesitant to show her approval. She needed confirmation that this was not a horrible idea first, that they had thought it through and had things figured out.

“Neither of them. Given their… backgrounds, it would’ve been difficult for them to adopt. I’m the only one listed as a parent, but they’re listed as guardians.” Lana answered.

Sofia nodded. “And who will the child call father?”

Lana felt like a child herself. Happy was so much like his mother in certain ways. Both had one hell of a poker face and were great at remaining very stoic to mask emotions. She shrugged slightly. “Both of them?” She felt more like she was asking approval rather than telling the woman how it would all work. Like she needed this to be okay with her.

With an analytic stare, Sofia again looked between the three before glancing back down at the baby in Lana’s arms. She held her arms out and Lana gladly handed him to her. She looked down at him and smiled. “Well, maybe with two men to help raise him, he won’t get into near as much trouble as a boy with no father.” She said, giving Happy a softer look.

Sofia was honestly surprised that Happy had agreed to having a child, at one point certain he would never settle down, but she knew that he would never go back on his word and walk away either. She could see the determined look in his eyes that said so.


“Are you really ok with this?” Lana asked Sofia as she helped her clean up the kitchen later. “I know it was sudden and even I’m not sure about everything.”

“Sweetheart,” Sofia turned to her and looked at her sincerely. “I was 19 when I had my son and terrified. 51 years later and he still scares the hell out of me. That feeling comes with being a mother and it will never go away. It means you love him and would do anything for him. If you can handle both my son and blondie, you can handle a baby.” Both women turned to look at the two men sitting on the back porch, Kozik holding the baby. “Just hope that boy doesn’t turn out like Happy or you’re really gonna have your hands full.” Sofia smiled and shook her head as she turned back around.

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