Ch. 24

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Lana stood in the middle of the room for a moment, breathing heavily. She was so pissed she couldn’t even form a coherent thought. She had no clue how to handle this. She just needed to get out of here and away from Happy.

She stormed through the bar only moments after Happy had left the room. He watched her as she desperately tried to avoid looking at him. She pushed the door open and kept walking.

“Lana!” She heard Gemma’s voice from behind her. Lana slowed her walk, but didn’t stop. “What happened?” Gemma asked, catching up to her.

She turned on her heel and looked at Gemma. “He let some slut mark him up before coming back here. Not only did he bail on me to sit here by myself and wonder if Kozik’s gonna wake up or not, but he goes and fucks some whore while he’s gone.”

Gemma sighed and shook her head. “Lana, I was mad at him too for leaving, but you gotta understand that was just his way of dealing with this all. He’s in just as much pain as you are, if not more. He and Kozik have known each other for over twenty years. They’ve always been close and you only brought them closer. Happy isn’t just the club’s enforcer and Sergeant at Arms, he’s Kozik’s brother and best friend. A bond like that doesn’t allow shit like this to go unanswered. Happy is not an emotional man. The only way he knows how to deal with this stuff is violence.”

“What the fuck does that have to do with him fucking some whore?!” Lana nearly shouted.

“Nothing. I have no idea what happened there so I can’t offer any words of wisdom about that particular fuck up. That’s something you’ll have to ask him about, but just keep in mind that Kozik did the same thing and you got over that.”

“It’s not the same thing.”

“Maybe circumstances are a little different this time, more serious. I’m not saying let it go and act like it never happened. It was a shit move and you have a right to be pissed, but, like I said, he’s hurting and I’d bet my ass he was drunk. At least give him a chance to explain before you go off halfcocked and do something you might regret later.” Gemma held eye contact with her for a moment. “Now, you either go back in there and talk to him or I can give you a ride home, but only if you stay there.”

She was pissed. She didn’t want to go home and be a good girl, but she sure as hell didn’t want to be under the same roof as Happy. “Take me home.”


A knock sounded on the door. Still fuming when she’d gotten home, Lana had texted Sean, her previous fuck buddy who she hadn’t talked to in months. She knew it was just to get back at Happy. She was pissed and hurt and didn’t want to be alone. She tried to tell herself she didn’t care if he ever found out, but she knew she didn’t want him to know, a little afraid of what he might do.

“Hey.” She said, opening the door.

“Hi.” Sean said with a sexy little smirk. “So I thought you were seeing someone.” He said, amused as she pulled him inside.

“Yeah, well, bikers are assholes.” She said vaguely.

“He’s not gonna show up and kick my ass is he?”

“Which one?” Lana asked in all seriousness as she pulled her shirt over her head.

Sean tore his eyes from her chest at her question. “What?”

“There’s two. Both those guys that were ready to kill you that day in the coffee shop. I’ve been fucking them both.” She said, stepping out of her jeans.

His eyes fell on the crow covering her thigh, then the one on her hip. “Pretty serious huh?” He asked.

“One of them is in the hospital. The other… well, he apparently has a thing for whores at the moment so I don’t really give a shit what he thinks.” She moved in front of him in only her underwear and lifted his shirt.

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