#clash no. 010

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Chapter in Italic font 'cause it's basically a video recording clip.


There comes a time when we realize that our parents cannot save themselves or save us, that everyone who wades through time eventually gets dragged out to sea by the undertow- that, in short, we are all going.

John Green, Looking for Alaska

"You need to relax, Armando. And be honest. That's the only way." the familiar dark haired man says.

"You don't get the situation, Leeson. You won't understand. You don't have a child like that." the red headed man whispers. His face red with worry, anger and something more incomprehensible.

"Isn't she your only child?" My old psychiatrist asks.

"Yeah. I'm her father!" the man replies bitterly.

"Tell me from the beginning. Tell me about that dog she killed." The psychiatric attempts to bring the subject to business.

"I still don't understand how a seven year old girl can do that. She stabbed him to death, Leeson!" the man visibly shivers.

"But didn't she love him? She wouldn't even let me touch him." the psychiatrist states with wonder.

"Oh! She did. She says she still loves him. I think what she's trying to mean is that it's an affectionate action. I don't know what to say. She killed that bird before, you remember?" the man closes his eyes.

"O yes. That was in front of me. I can never give you the details for her sake, Armando. But that was... vicious." the doctor concludes.

"What is it that's wrong with her? Why does she behave like a psychopath?" the red head man closes his eyes and whispers the question.

"Don't say like that, Armando. It's still too early for that."

"You and I both know it isn't." is the man's stern reply.

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