#clash no. ii

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Dad never understood maman, perhaps that's why she had to have me.

"I'll take you somewhere." Maman said one day. "It's a place you've never been to. And you'll meet some new people there."

I didn't give much weight to her words. There were only two places I've gone to outside my neighbourhood. The sea and the cemetery. So any place was new place to me. Even Tamakitei was a new place for me. It's a bakery just outside my neighbourhood. I had heard in school how delicious their breads were and wanted to taste it. But I didn't want to ask maman to buy it for me.

"Enya, are you listening?" Maman asked.

"Yes, maman." I replied as always.

"You'll stay there for a month. Your father and I have some things to take care of in the meantime. They're old friends of ours, so they'll accept you. And you're grateful to whomever accepts you, aren't you?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes, maman."

"Right. So you'll have to express your gratitude and do exactly as I say during your stay. Am I clear?"

"Yes, maman." I said for the last time.

They took me to Akashi mansion the next day. Dad informed me how the Akashi couple were their high school friends and how maman used to be crazily in love with Mr. Akashi. He shared anecdotes after anecdotes, and I don't remember laughing so much or having that much fun with dad like that day.

When we reached the mansion, all I could do was gape at it. The three red head family members caught my attention, surpassing the beauty of the mansion and it's fragrant garden. They looked so beautiful and unearthly that I barely noticed maman approaching them with a big smile and giving them tight hugs.

I should have understood then, that my job here was not to blend with this vibrant family but to suck all the colors out of it.

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