#clash no. iii

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Even if one has never received love, one can easily recognise it.

The relationship between me and maman was simple, logical. She brought me into this world therefore owned me. I am indebted to her for she took good care of me when I was a child and raised me as a good girl. It is my responsibility to do as she says to express my gratitude, to thank her for raising me and staying with me. Besides, maman knows best and does what's best for the both of us. So I never ever questioned her even when the tasks she entrusted me with were difficult or made me sad.

The relationship between Akashi Seijuro and his mother, Shiori-san, was complicated and somewhat opposite of maman and my relationship. They both did whatever the other asked for. There was an invisible, yet palpable, aura between them as if they each owned the other and would do anything to protect them. Shiori-san used to hug and kiss Akashi a lot as well. And, although Akashi would get annoyed and slightly grumble in response, I could see how he cherished those moments clearly.

I never liked physical contact so these never bothered me.

But the smiles.

Those beautiful, tender smiles shared between the two of them got to me all the freaking time.

Whenever Akashi made a mistake, whenever Shiori-san failed to basket, whenever they were playing games and lost, whenever they were eating, the smiles continued. Shiori-san never punished Akashi, and unlike my dad, stood against her husband whenever he was being hard on Akashi.

I was jealous.

Their love was so visible, so very tangible that I could practically touch it and was more than willing to tear it apart. Even though I was hesitant at first, I became excited and willing to ruin the sparkles in their eyes. And I continued doing exactly what maman instructed me to do.

But then, perhaps a week later or maybe more, trouble began. When I started to notice the smiles they flashed at me. The exact same smile, warm and tender, offered to me by Shiori-san and Akashi with their beautiful red eyes made me question my task for the first time.

It got worse when I unintentionally, but wholeheartedly, began to accept them.

But the worst of it all started when I hesitantly began to smile back, when I began to recognise the love they had started to shower me with and, still, continued my plan of ruination underneath.

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