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Oh, for if I could turn the clock back

I would erase the mistakes I have made in the past

From my ignorant and selfish ways

To the endless emotional distraught and pain

Back when I was a psychopath

And when I was incapable to find a way back

But I know what I have done

So I must fix the mistakes, every one.

I let a girl down, I love her so

And she might now be dead, for all I know

My mom and my friend said it was a lie

But I am uncertain, but I was every time

I don't even care if this isn't true

I'd still fix the things I used to do

I've done so many things wrong

And maybe one day I can erase it all

But for now I am trapped in my abyss

Suffering alone from the dark sadness

Maybe one day I shall be forgiven

Until then I speak words yet no one shall listen

In my darkest and bleakest of hours so

I am uncertain to live anymore

But perhaps I will find a way to aid

The people of whom had inflicted or suffered mistakes

From those who deceived me to those I deceived

I beg of you - no I plead

To give a chance to this oddly lost soul

               ~The honest words of your old friend...Psycho.

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