Fun Facts

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- I talk to myself. Dan Howell style. I'll put the video in the multimedia for you guys, I talk to myself like he does. And it's usually when I'm in the bathroom...

- I have a skin disorder on my elbow. I was born with it, but it got serious about a year or 2 ago, when my elbow grew white and flaky. I saw a doctor about it, he said it's hereditary I think.

- Most - if not then all - my OCs represent different traits of mine. From Glitch's hyperactivity, to Psych's optimism, to AXY intelligence, they all show a little something about me, if you look carefully enough. Because some aren't as obvious...

- I was almost always an honor roll student. In fact, I've only ever gotten 2 Cs so far out of my entire school life.

- My best friend - Silver - was actually the one who came up with my full name, Psychotix. Chaos and Electron I believe were both on my part. Meanwhile, another old friend [Her old user was DimentiosGal, now -Crete] gave me my well-known nickname, Psych. Silver had also given me the name Psycho, which used to be my nickname but is now my split-side's name.

- I will eat almost anything put in front of me if I am forced, EXCEPT for beans. I can't eat them no matter what.

- I have an addictive personality, and used to be a clean freak. That's why I'm here most of the time. ;)

- I've been known to people as a bit of an artist, I'm known for cartoonist drawings. I don't draw anything else, though.

- I used to be a copy-cat, but stopped myself because I was too much of a dip-shit. That and my friend would hate me. AndI'mabitscaredshedoes...

- I am also known to have extreme anxiety. Once, I knocked a light over, and rocked myself in a corner crying because I felt so bad. I even made other kids think that someone had yelled at me. Another thing, I always cringe when someone yells.

- My favorite element/type is fire, second is either darkness or magic/psychic

- I'm scared I think way too much.

- I'm a bit gullible. And by a bit, I mean a lot.

- Ironically enough, I used to be incapable of playing video games because I had anxiety attacks. It started because I was skipping levels in 'The Simpsons: Hit and Run', and I thought I was cheating. And as previously shown, I get anxious when I feel guilt.

- My room is a mess. XD

- My first RP was NOT YouTube related. It was an old Pokémon RP called 'PokeBerryClan' [which still exists, hosted by my pal Dew], and I used my OC Psych's well-known pet, Blitz. I'm still in it, but using a new OC, a shiny Eevee named Shia.

- My parents aren't married, in fact they're only getting married this summer.

- I have Quotev, DeviantART,, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Wattpad. But I only use Wattpad and DeviantART.

- I have 3 Wattpad accounts. InSaNe_Sableye, Kirbygal, and this one.

- Some of my favorite YouTubers are StrauberryJam, Bodil40, NateWantsToBattle, DookieShedVIDZ, Double/Mr360Games, and Game Theory.

- I used to be completely uninterested in Minecraft when my friend - Jared - introduced me to it. It was only around last year or the year before when I got into it. Same with Pokémon, but I had merchandise as a child.

- I have no specific religion.

- I am genuinely afraid to show my face and reveal my name, and I am sensitive about my voice due to the fact I sound like a dude. And I laugh like SimonHDS90.

- Even though my favorite YouTuber is Australian, the only thing I can say in an Australian accent is - get ready for this - "Australian Accent" XD

- Lastly, I used to HATE romance. That is...until Psychell...

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