My First Attack [No offense intended. Interview with Bl00dBath]

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             Me- Greetings, fellow viewers! I am Psychotix Electron, your host for today's round of 'Killer Questionnaires'. With me today, we have Bl00dBath, AKA ShatteredSoul. Say hello!

              BB- Hi.

              Me- Alright, so let's begin. Every killer has their beginnings, and you're one of the greatest I've seen. Tell me, what was your FIRST attack like?

              BB-'s an embarrassing was...I...well...*cries a bit* m-my world came crashing down when...when I got the results of my first attack...I-it ruined me, and my reasons to live...w-when I was mom told me to be the best terrorist I could be...she wanted me to pursue my dreams...but the moment I got the results...I-I-I thought I deceived her...I knew she only pretended to be happy when I...I only killed 7 people...and injured 30. *bursts into tears*

               Me- No no, don't cry! You did good!

               BB- *keeps crying*

               Me- Well...I guess that's all for now...tune in next time where we interview Chaos...

               Chaos- *yells from backstage* LEAVE ME OUT OF THIS!

               Me- U-until then, this has been Psychotix Electron...bye! *runs away*

               [Silver, I know it was originally 'My First Terrorist Attack', and that a few things were different, but people are sensitive online, okay? I don't want ragers.]

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