Can Life be Perfect??

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Addlyn POV:

When Taylor and i woke up we just looked at each other and smiled, i cant believe i am dating THE TAYLOR CANIFF!! Yass it still shocks me even though i mean i knew he liked me from day one. Today we are going to go out and  just shop until we drop, not really but he wants more bandanas, and i need more clothes.

~~2 Hours later~~

We both got ready, im wearing a tye dye Taylor Caniff cut-off shirt, and blue jean shorts and my rainbow flip-flops. He is wearing his tye dye shirt too and kaki shorts with Vans, we look so cute together.

We get to Wet seal first, because i begged him, but they actually had alot of Bandanas which was also great. We went to alot of other stores and accumilated over thirty bags of stuff and shoe boxes. After we got done shopping it was about 5:30 and we were both starving so we went to Taco Bell, my favorite place to eat! We ended dinner and went back home and we each took a shower then watched Youtube for the rest of the night until we fell asleep.

Cam POV:

I went to go ask Addlyn if we could talk, and she was lying in the bed with Taylor sound asleep. I wish i would of asked her out when i had the chance, but she was just getting to know us. Taylor is a lucky guy i mean im happy for him but i really want her to be my girl. I think I love her but Life is never perfect.

Ali POV:

Today Matt and i went swimming, it was the best day of my life. I would never ever want to be with anyone except Matthew because he is absolutley perfect. My life is perfect as long as im with him! I am so glad he decided to tell me he loved me because i would not be this happy not knowing that. We are watching Finding Nemo right now and all i can think about what my life would be like if i had never met the love of my life. We watched Nemo until it was over then decided to go to bed because we are going to Sky High tomorrow and neither of us wants to be tired.


Hey yall I am at 548 reads! I am so happy and i just want to say thank you sooo much!! and i love all of you that read my story(: Well Im not updating until 560 reads!!! So everyone tell your friends(:


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