Welcome Back To School

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I woke up in my bed laying face first in a cold sweat. Ugh stupid nightmare I sigh as i stand up and stretch. 'Max wake up! Max wake up! Max wake u--...' I slap the Botton on my alarm clock and open my window a bit. 'Man my room is Cold.'
I walk downstairs to the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal. I grabbed my NOPE mug and poured some black coffee in it. I look into the living room to see my dads in their boxers. Clothes strung around the living room made me snort. I ate my cereal and drank my coffee. After that i had fifteen minutes till the bus got here so I picked up my adoptive parents clothes and put the in two piles next to the couch.  I when't out to the bus stop and saw Nikki shivering on the bench. My heart was struck with sympathy for her so I pulled out my extra hoodie and walked over to her. Sitting down on the bench she looked up growling before she noticed it was me. I put the hoodie in her lap.
'Here. Wear it. Your freezing.' He forces the hoodie over her arms and she giggles. 'Warming up?' I asked. She nodded as the bus pulled up and some other ppl got on the bus. I helped her up and grabbed my bag. She popped her arms out of the hoodie and snatched a book that fell from his bag. 'Fuck. Sorry Nikki.' He muttered before getting on the bus and chasing some sixth grade nerds from his seat in the back. A figure plopped down next to him. 'You don't mind if i sit here do you Max.' A feminine voice said with a somewhat Irish accent.
'Sure.' He muttered before he looked at the girl. It was Maxine. One of the twins. I groaned inwardly and looked out the window. My face fixed in a bitchy look out the window. When we finally got to school Quartermaster yelled 'OK SEVEN EIGHT NINE GO!!' I got up. Eight grade would be easy enough. Maxine grabbed my hoodie and pulled me back down inti the seat. 'Wha--' I said before she kissed me and left. 'What. The FUCK.' I snapped in a pissed voice. I got up and stormed off the bus Past a sad looking Nikki. By time i was jn the building i was back to my normal non-social self and trudged though the bodies of several people crammed around one locker.  Then i noticed it was a crowd of all ladies and ,Being taller than all of them, Looked over to see a gossiping Maxine. This bitch is gonna make my life hell isn't she. I sighed. I moved on to my locker. Names had been taped to the lockers and the one to my right had been vandalized. I looked at the name. Wait. Does that say... Nikki?!? 
Someone had vandalized the newest girls locker. This was going to get bad. I was once a small clumsy ass that was bullied all the time until one day I fought back. I was pissed at how they treated my friends little sister and I had snapped. It was time to become Barrier Max. I ripped the name off the locker and rewrote Nikki on another page and put it on the locker. A bunch of mean words were scribbled all over the locker. I opened mine and grabbed my books for the school year. I kept my name up on my locker and taped a letter to it.
-If you wanna be nice and be a friend sign here⬇️-
After three two hour lectures I when't to my locker. Green hair was stuck in the locker hinges. 'Help?' S small voice whispered.
'N-nikki? Is that you?' He tugged at the locker. 'Whats your combo.'
'12 5 30' She whispered through the locker top. I put in the combo and the locker flew open. Most of the students had already gotten to class. 'Who put you on the locker.' I growled. 'I-it was a red head boy I when't to summer Camp with. I when't to Camp Campbell. The boys name is Nurf.'
••• To Be Continued.

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